Chapter 2 Can she redeem her self

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Wake up cam were gonna go see the boys uhm two bit i questions do I have to go oh cam I would love it if you would although you don't have to well only if it makes you happy two bit I responded to him with a smile right well get dressed he said as he walked out the door I put on a really tight tank top that made my bra kindve stick out CUZ it was tight in that area I put in skinny jeans well really just jeans oh you understand i threw them on a button up shirt over the tank top a hat and combat boots I waked to the bath room and I didn't put any make up on im not one to usaly except for eye liner and eye shadow only to make. My eyes look darker no other reason but today my eyes looked almost black on there own they made me tough Come on yelled two bit I also hade a suprise ok coming what's this suprise I said half way down the rode you know how you've always wanted your lip and nose peirced yeah I said excitedly it sounded like I said yesh well for your 16th birthday this is my present to you happy birthday cam thanks two bit after that was over we went to the Curtis house everyone said hi an we replies back with hey me and two bit both sat down and eventully Johnny sat next to me what happend to your face said dally two bit answerd this one why today is her birthday and so she's always wanted her nose and lip Peirced so that what I got her as a present i slightly hugged two bit I like it said Steve soda pop said well we can't have a birthday without a party now can we uhm we can i faintly said oh what's wrong asked pony boy I I've never had a party I answerd well that's not right said Johnny maybe not but I've never been a fan of things all wild and crazy except for fights well you have to have party said pony I responded with Oh why do I have to CUZ a nerd like you would probably have had party's all the time just no one came to them two bit had been in tee bath room so he didn't know that that was said oh I responded to dally after he said that im not a nerd well you ain't tough yelled Steve I looked down Johnny put his hand on my back and in a loving voice said don't listen to them but then pony had yelled you could never be a greaser your better off as a soc at the moment I stood up and without any emotion at all said I am tough I am not a nerd I used to be beat I've had years of practice fighting people off of me I've never had a party CUZ kids were always scared of me the only reason I came here with two bit was Becuase he thought I would make a great greaser this is not my house I've only knows you guys for a bout 3 days and I didn't wanna be disrespectful especially BECUASE you guys ARNT socs if you were I would've pulled my switch blade on you by now next thing I knew I pull it out of my pocket and rapped my hand up in it but I only showed them threw it back in my pocket said goodbye and walked out the door Johnny ran out after me yelling wait cam wait I turned around to find Johnny...

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