Chapter 5

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I'm telling yall now that this is a boring chap.


"Aight is that everything?" I motioned for Francesca or Reginæ to tell me that I left anything but they both shook their heads no. I still haven't told Francesca that I was with Reginæ but Reginæ thought I did when we went to the court thing but I didn't. So this moment was about to become awkward.

"Well lemme say bye to my baybehs." I mumbled as I walked over to the Uber that we rode in to the airport. I looked in and they were both knocked out. So I just kissed their foreheads and walked away.

I walked up to Francesca giving her a lil hug. Then I made my way to Næ. She poked her lips out for me to kiss but I grabbed her into a tight hug.

"She doesn't know." I whispered then I let go giving them a smile as the moment was still in a weird aura.

"Alright I'll call yall tonight." I walked into the airport watching them get in the Uber then pulling off.

I know I got a lot of explaining to do tonight when I call Reginæ tonight.


I was beyond livid right now. I cannot believe August didn't tell her we were back together. Him prolonging this was going to make matters worse and I don't have time for the drama with that crazy ass broad.

"Bluuuusshhh!" Mell babbled as he watched his favorite cartoon 'Yo Gabba Gabba'.

"Hey papi what you talking about?" I cooed sitting beside him. He took his first out his mouth placing them on my face.

"No don't hit mommy." He just stared at me.

"You hungry?" I rubbed my stomach do he could know what I was talking about. Since he couldn't talk yet I was working on identifying things for him in motions. He slapped his mouth then put it on his stomach.

"Okay let's go make that baby something to eat." I picked him up and placed him on the floor and he began walking behind me into the kitchen.

I grabbed his Gerber 1-3 stage rice and carrots baby food and popped the top open scrapping it his little bowl. He grabbed on my legs so I could put him in his high chair making sure to give him his food.

My FaceTime ringer went off and I knew it was August. I pressed accept as I waited on the call to connect.

"Wassup baybeh? Whatchu doin'?"

"Don't hey baby me August and I'm feeding your son." I switched the camera around to Mell as he tried to flick the food into his mouth like the spoon was a slingshot.

"Look I know ya mad but I just can't tell her right na."

"And why not?"

"Because then things will get worse and she'll know the real reason on why I didn't show up to the wedding. And that reason is you ma." I rolled my eyes taking a long sigh.

"Whatever.. what are you doing?"

"I'm about to lay down and get comfortable.. had a long day today. As soon as I got there we had a sound check. But after tomorrow then I'll be on the bus." He smiled rubbing his hand on his new fade.

"It hasn't even been 24 hours yet and I miss you." I whined crossing my arms over.

"Stop dat whinin' stuff. Don't think bout it and I won't be gone long." I nodded my head as I watched Mell suck on his hands.

"Okay okay well I guess I'll let you get some sleep."

"Aight ma I luh you."

"I love you too daddy." He rose his eyebrows causing me to bust out laughing.

"Aye na that's why we got lil man now." I rolled my eyes as I flipped the camera around.

"Here Melly say bye bye to daddy." I cooed as I waved my hand at him so he could mock me.

"Goodnight man daddy loves you." Mell didn't pay him no mind he just went back to basically playing in that food.

"Alright ma I'a call you tomorrow night. If I can." I nodded my head and ended the call. I really felt bummed about him not being here for 2 whole months.

"Okay papa let's get you cleaned up." I picked him up from his high chair and walked him into his room sitting him on his changing table while I got out his bath things.


I smiled at him softly while he looked away. This is going to be a long 2 months without being around August I can already tell.

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