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Happy reading.....

MAHIR -RAZA SHAIK ( Read it again in sassy background music 😌)

The sight was seemed really busy with students rushing in and out of college, flashing their lavish lifestyles. 

A red cherry Lamborghini car stopped at the entrance of the college, the car horn sound was loud enough to reach the last floor of their college building where the head office room was located. But he didn't care because he knew that his dad owned half of this college. 

The screeching sound of the tires came into cease as the front door swung open momentarily followed by a ripped jeans leg.

"Yeah baby I am always available for parties and booze. Come over my farm house, will catch you by evening.", A flirtatious sweet voice sang in the air grabbing the attention of busy buzzing heads around in his direction. The car door wide opened presenting a six ft handsome muscular sight. He was wearing goggles and his raven hairs were gelled untidy, leaving some baby hairs dancing on his toned forehead. He was wearing a white t-shirt, it had a 'I don't give a fuck' print over it. 

"Party? Bro you have just entered college and talking about bunking already", a person walked in lazily, he was 5'9 and had brunette hair and light blue eyes. He was also wearing a ripped jeans with a brown t-shirt which had written 'Fuck me' on his chest.

The person came out of the car and jumped on the hood, swirling a notebook over his left hand fingertips as he leaned back.

A slight curve made its way to his lips gracing his five o'clock shadow across a day-old stubble as he noticed a junior girl just passed by, checking out him.

"You know Mahir can't resist the beautiful things. Am I? ", he spoke mischievously, enjoying the female attention around him.

"I know right. Did you see the notice board ?", the brown shirt guy asked, leaning over the car.

"Was it about my reputation ?", he took off the goggles, his coffee eyes came into view which were shining deep under the sunlight.

"Unfortunately yes, you are gonna give a motivational speech to juniors"

"Isn't it interesting Neil ?"

"Yes, very interesting they should know about flirting, tricks, dates and parties.", he let out a lazy chuckle.

"Oh, so boring dude"

"Hey bro that girl ..I mean the topper man, she is joining today.", a guy in a red plain shirt and black pants appeared out of nowhere from the crowd. He was also tall and muscular. He had hazel eyes and looked quite handsome.

Mahir straightened up his body a bit, paying attention to him,"Yeah, I heard about her, she has been the talk of the college. Anyways what's her name ?", he inquired curiously not because of her, it's because ever since her name came up in the main notice board announcing her seat here. Everyone in the college started talking about her ; grades, intelligence and discipline. The last trait annoyed him like anything which was out of his dictionary.

"Bela..Bela-Asif Shaik ..urmm sounds different. Isn't it?"

Neil nudged his shoulder gesturing him to shut his mouth as he noticed someone's presence ,"Shazam" he mumbled quietly.

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