PART - 4

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"Bela, forget about it."Jessy tried to comfort her friend after sitting in their seats.

"I don't know Jes, these kind of things are still happening in reputed colleges. How dare he prank me, I thought it's a real snake.", Bela sniffled.

"Yes, surreal things. I just searched about him on the internet and you can't believe what he turns out to be. He is the dean's son, that's why he is rude."

"So what if he is a dean's son, he shouldn't behave with me like that. He came closer to me and touched me.", she gasped when she realised what happened a few minutes ago.

"Astagfirullah ! ", she immediately added praying in her heart to forgive her for this sin.

"Don't worry Bela, it's an accident."

They both paid attention to the principal's announcement.

"Mahir-Raza Shaik"

"Ya Allah! Why Princy is calling for that Junglee", Bela whispered in shock as she watched Mahir getting up from his seat on the third row and heading towards stage full on attitude.

"Unfortunately, he is our senior and also the topper."

"What ?? How could he be topper? Just look at him Jes. His ripped jeans and that 'I don't give a fudge t-shirt'. Those messy hair, he is completely an example for how a student wouldn't be."

As he was passing over the students, they turned their heads automatically and looked up at him in awestruck.

A ball of anger built in Bela's stomach as she watched Mahir walking to the podium. He angled the mic near to his mouth and straightened his posture.

"Hello guys!"

"OHH", the students hooted.

Especially girls swooning over him and gushing about his looks.


Bela slumped little back onto her seat to avoid him in case he looked over at her. But damn his eyes spotted her among the students easily, his upper lip lifted up slightly in a smirk.

"YA Allah ", a sudden gasp escaped Bela's lips when she realised he just smirked at her. Her fists tightened in her lap, how badly she wanted to snatch away that cocky smirk off his face.

"Do you really think this Jungle would say something good for us ...I don't know how he gets good grades by pranking other students." , she mumbled with a frown.

"Money dear, it can buy anything.", Jes replied absently as her attention was somewhere else. Her gaze was lingering on Neil who had just turned around and mouthed something muffling at her.

"You would be wondering how I can be topper.", Mahir spoke confidently which shocked Bela.

She immediately looked around her seat in anxious,"How the heck he heard our words. Did he keep any secret cameras behind our seats?"

"Bela, we just came here, how would he know we were taking exactly these seats?"

"So, you are telling me it's just a coincidence?"

"Maybe Bela. But you just relax and ignore him."

Mahir glanced over Bela once again and she covered her eyes with her hand. He smiled before continuing his speech.

"You know one's attire, body language, it all doesn't matter. What all you need is", his right hand index finger tapped his temple as he added, "Brain and its intelligence. The way you utilize it, it only matters."

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