Shopping Day

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"Quick question," Amara said to Dr. Freeland as they were leaving. "I don't have twins in my family. So that means they came from his side, right?" 

 "Actually no," Dr. Freeland answered. "Your twins are fraternal. So that means that, while the father fertilized two eggs, he couldn't have done that if your uterus hadn't released both of them. If they were identical, it would be a bit different."

"Oh," Amara said flatly. "I see." 

 A little over an hour later, Amara stood in the changeroom, trying to fit into another pair of stretchy pants. 

 "So, I guess that argument is invalid," Gabby called from the other side, where she was waiting.

 "What argument?" Amara asked. 

 "You were going to tell Joshua that it was his fault that you're having twins, and hope that would make him take responsibility," Gabby concluded. "Am I wrong?" 

 Amara opened the door, revealing her outfit to Gabby; a purple dress top and a pair of insanely stretchy yoga pants. Something good for work, and also church, where she was now attending with Ethan.

 "I like that one," Gabby said. 

 "Thanks." Amara looked toward herself in the mirror. "You're not wrong."

"Look, I'm not even sure what you see in the guy," Gabby said. "He's a jerk. Plus, he's willing to make your life miserable if you spread this. Quite honestly, I'm surprised you're even still working there."

Gabby stood when she saw Amara's eyes filling with tears. "I didn't mean to upset you. I just thought--"

"No, it's fine," Amara wiped her eyes. "You're right, but what else am I supposed to do?" She sank to the bench in the change room. "I wanted to go after him for child support, but what's the point? He won't acknowledge the babies, and I can't do a DNA test until after they're born."

Gabby joined her friend in the change room. She closed the door, locked it, and sat on the bench next to Amara.

"Why haven't you just quit yet?" Gabby asked. "I mean, you're my best friend, and I definitely don't want you to, but this could be causing unnecessary stress. And it's clearly causing anxiety for you. Especially after what happened to your locker."

"I can't," Amara whispered after a moment. "I need a job. No one's going to hire a pregnant woman who's going on mat leave in a few months." She looked into Gabby's blue eyes. "Literally, you and Ethan are the only ones keeping me sane at this point."

"What about that counselling?" 

"That too," Amara smiled, "but I was talking about people."

A couple of hours later, Amara, Ethan, and Gabby were all at the baby furniture store. As Amara looked at the millions of styles of baby cribs, and thousands of different highchairs, she couldn't help feeling overwhelmed. Not only did she she need two of everything, but she had no idea of what she actually needed, and what was just "extras". How was she supposed to pick the right ones?

"Oh my gosh, Amara." Gabby appeared around the corner holding a stuffed owl and a teddy bear. "They literally have plushies of EVERYTHING."

Amara giggled as Ethan poked his head around the edge of the aisle. 

"Amara, do you want doubles of everything?" he asked.

"Well, I need two cribs, two highchairs, two baby car seats, and those should all be identical, because I say so," Amara said. "But I think I can get away with one change table and one Diaper Genie."

"Don't forget, we also have your baby shower coming up in a bit," Gabby said. "Wait, I'm not sure I was supposed to tell you about that."

"Well, you weren't," Ethan said, glaring at Gabby. "And don't baby showers happen closer to the due date?"

 "Well, Amara's obstetrician says that she might be early so we have to do it sooner rather than later," Gabby said.

"Yeah, but--"

"Are you guys going to be arguing like this during my whole pregnancy?" Amara interrupted.

"We're not arguing, we're bickering," Gabby smirked.

"Yeah, and Gabby's being difficult," Ethan said.

"Stop it," Amara said, starting to walk away. "I don't want to have to parent you guys as well as my own two."

They manged to make it through the rest of the afternoon without fighting. At least, until Gabby started flirting with the cashier. Amara didn't really blame her--he was tall, tanned, and had a goatee that matched his dark hair--just Gabby's type.

"So, are you involved with either of these two people that are shopping with you?" The cashier asked Gabby, as if the other two weren't there.

"Oh, no, I'm perfectly single," Gabby said with her trademark toothy smile. "I'm just helping my friends out."

"Well, congratulations to the two of you," The cashier said to Amara and Ethan, before turning back to Gabby.

"Oh, um-- we're not really, I'm not--" Ethan tried to tell him that they weren't a couple, but he didn't hear.

"Your total is $300, even," He said.

Amara pulled out her debit card and paid, while the two of them continued to talk.

"You're not going to say anything to her?" Ethan questioned.

"Why should I?" Amara asked. "She's single, has been for  awhile, why shouldn't she go out with the cute cashier that's very clearly hitting on her?"

"Wh--" Ethan looked to the guy again then back at Amara. "You think he's cute?"

"I don't know, apparently every guy's cute to me right now," Amara said. "I almost started flirting with the nurse at my doctor's appointment this morning."

"Really?" Ethan asked. "How do I look to you right now?"

He stood tall and puffed out his chest, trying to make himself seem more buff than he actually was. Amara couldn't hold back a giggle.

"You kind of look a bit ridiculous," Amara admitted. "Just be yourself, you look a lot nicer that way."

"I'll take that into consideration," Ethan smiled.

Amara studied him for a moment as he went to help start loading things into his truck. He really was good to look at, at least, right now. He was handsome in his own, reserved kind of way. Besides, even though Amara  seemed to be attracted to pretty much every guy around, Ethan was the only one to send butterflies into her stomach and make her face flush when he was around.

She couldn't get into anything right now though. With the babies coming in just a few months, she still felt like she had so much to do, and that she wasn't prepared to actually even give birth yet, let alone parent. She just couldn't get into any relationships right now, and it wouldn't be fair to Ethan at this point.

"Alright, Gabby, come on," Amara finally said.

Reluctantly, Gabby pulled herself away from the cashier, with a little slip of paper in her hand. Amara waited until they were in the parking lot to ask about it.

"He gave you his number, didn't he?"

"Would it be a bad thing if he did?" Gabby asked. She was grinning and staring the the piece of paper.

"No, I'm happy for you!" Amara said. Then she muttered under her breath, "At least, I hope it's not a bad thing."

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