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Hey, everyone! Thank you so much for reading my story!! 

I know some of you were surprised when I ended the story, but I honestly didn't want to drag it on any longer. I did want to leave things open for a sequel, however, so we'll see where that takes us :). I don't think were quite finished with Amara and the twins yet. 

I'm going to be honest, I really didn't think this was going to get this much attention. I also realized halfway through that I didn't actually have too much of a story XD. In case no one noticed, I actually came up with a lot of plot points as I was writing them.

I really want to thank those of you who were patient and stuck around, especially during those moments of extreme writer's block. I was going through some busy and intense times so writing kind of had to come second. So thank you very much to those who stuck around through that.

Another reason this took me so long to finish was because I'm working on something new and big, so stay tuned! I hope you'll check it out when the time comes for me to publish it. I was hoping to be closer to finishing it because I wanted to publish right away, but it doesn't seem like it's there just yet.

In the mean time, if you're a fan of my fanfictions, please check out my new ones! I've got a few on the go right now and I'm hoping to focus on them a little more. 

If you're not a fanfiction reader, or you're just not into mine, feel free to check out my other original stories!

Honestly, I can't thank you guys enough for motivating me and reading my work. I hope you all enjoyed The Billionaire Boss's Baby.


UPDATE: Sequel is now out! I hope you enjoy "The Billionaire Boss' Scandal"!

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