Making A Decision

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A couple of weeks later, Amara was organizing things in their new house. It was the same one they had been looking at, and Amara was ecstatic that they had been able to sign the lease as early as they had been. As she put the throw pillows on the couch, Gabby was emptying a box of books onto the shelf. Ethan was outside, unloading boxes from his car.

"I can't believe how quickly we found this place," she commented to Gabby.

"I know!" Gabby exclaimed. "Must have been a miracle or something."

Amara tried not to look annoyed. Not only were her hormones going crazy lately, but she had been noticing Gabby sounding more and more sarcastic about God. Maybe it was only because Amara had started going regularly now, instead of only every couple of weeks. She tried to not let it bother her, at least, not for the time being.

"Oh good," Gabby said as Ethan walked in.

Amara turned and had to hold back a giggle. Ethan was carrying a stack of boxes that he could barely see over. The way his arms were shaking, Amara was actually surprised he hadn't dropped them yet.

"You can put those on the dining table," she said to him.

"Y'know," Ethan said as he walked across the room, "you can grab some boxes too."

"Ethan!" Gabby looked surprised. "She is seven months pregnant with twins! You actually expect her be able to bend over that far?"

"Actually, I was talking to you," Ethan shot her a glare as he put the stack of boxes on the dining table.

"Oh," Gabby said icily. 

But that was all. Even though Ethan shot Amara a look behind Gabby's back, they didn't argue at all. Amara gave a tiny smile. It wasn't much, but it was a start.

The next day, at work, Amara was just leaving to go on her lunch break, when Gabby stopped her.

"Are you sure you don't want to crash this wedding?" Gabby asked. "I have to RSVP, so let me know."

"I don't think so," Amara answered. "They obviously don't want me there. And they've pretty much been ignoring me, so what's the point?"

"If you're sure!" Gabby said.

Amara shook her head with a smile as she walked away. Gabby was smiling and her voice had a cheerful tone, but Amara could see that it was killing her. Gabby wanted Amara to go anyway, give them a taste of their own medicine. But she couldn't do that. She had no reason to.

As Amara got to the fridge and began searching for her sandwich, she wondered what would happen if she were to go to the wedding. What would they think? What would they say? Would people ask about the babies? Not to mention, she'd probably have to talk to other coworkers. She shook her head. It would be too much drama.

Finally, Amara grasped her lunch bag, all the way at the bag of the fridge. That was strange. She didn't remember putting it there. She shrugged it off. It had probably just gotten bumped to the back. As she opened it however, she realized that wasn't the case.

She moved everything around, suddenly realizing that her pudding was missing, as well as her chicken sandwich. Amara felt her heart sink. The only things left in there were her apple, bottle of water--and a note.

Amara pulled it out and read it in her mind.

You've been gaining weight too quickly. I'm helping you shed a few pounds.

Normally, Amara would be able to just chalk this up to someone being jealous or mean, but her hormones were working in more ways than just uncontrollable tears--they were making her more easily angered. She stormed out of the lunchroom and back to the desk she and Gabby shared.

"Did you put this in my lunch bag?" she asked Gabby. She knew she hadn't, but she needed to know who did.

"What is it?" Gabby asked. She took it and read it, and her eyes went wide. Looking up at Amara again, she asked, "Who would do this?!"

Just then, Joshua walked by. He was going in the direction of his office. Feeling a surge of confidence, Amara followed him.

"I have a bone to pick with you," she called after him.

He paused and turned to her. Amara forgot how blue his eyes were and how perfect his hair was. Why did he have to be so hot?

"Yes?" he said.

Amara shook herself out of her butterflies, and just started talking. "When I  talked to Nicole about you and I--hooking up, she said that was totally normal for you guys."

"It is," Joshua said, opening the door and entering his office. "Now, are we done here?"

"Actually, no." Amara followed him in, much to his irritation. "Don't you realize how abnormal that is?"

"Well, there are a lot of women who want to date a guy like me," Joshua said. He sat on the edge of his desk. "And there are a lot of guys that want a girl like Nicole. It's only fair that we go out with other people we fight with each other."

Amara couldn't believe her ears. She knew she had a completely bewildered look on her face, but she couldn't help it.

"What does that even mean?" She asked. "What, you guys are just doing your civil duty by having a bunch of one-night stands?"

Joshua smiled. "Exactly, sweetheart. Now, can I get back to work or--?"

"How many women have you gotten pregnant?"

Joshua's smile disappeared and he arched a brow. Even Amara was surprised by her own question, but she tried to remain confident.

 "Excuse me?"

"I can't be the first one who's gotten pregnant by you, not if this has been going on for a while," Amara stated.

"You'd better watch your tone with me," Joshua retorted. "And even if this had happened before, I fail to see how that would be any of your business."

Amara didn't know how to answer that. In the tension that followed, the silence was only broken by her stomach growling.

"You better go eat something," Joshua said, coolly. "You have to eat for three now."

Amara started for the door, while speaking at the same time, "Yeah, well, I have to go buy lunch now. Some jerk stole my sandwich."

Joshua looked at her in surprise. "Really?"

"Yeah," Amara answered. "Probably the same person who called me a slut in spray paint."

She didn't wait to see his reaction to that one. Instead, she briskly walked to the front desk, where Ethan was just going on his lunch break, and Gabby was still working.

"Have a nice chat?" Gabby asked dryly.

"Have you RSVP'd yet?" Amara asked, ignoring the question.

"No, why?" Gabby asked. Her blue eyes were taking on a sparkle.

"RSVP. And put down that you're bringing a plus-one."

Gabby's face shone with excitement. Ethan looked at her quickly.

"Actually?" he asked.

"Actually," Amara answered. She grabbed her purse. "I'm crashing that wedding."

"Yay!" Gabby exclaimed.

"Wow," Ethan said. "I'm sorry that I already said I wasn't going. I don't want to miss that."

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