Mirror, Mirror on the...Ceiling

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There's a certain satisfaction when one watches a moving van backing up to your newly bought house. All your things are in it. You can rearrange and make things work a little better rather than leaving them where they were in your old place because moving them was too much work. It's a new adventure in a way.

Only this was even bigger than that. Harry's request that you move in with him had come only months after the two of you had started dating. It seemed fast and then it didn't. It seemed crazy and then it wasn't. Harry had taken you to the planetarium on your third date. And that was that. You were in love. Hook, line, sinker.

The kicker? He said it happened that fast for him too. So one day at work when you started getting random pictures of houses - both the interiors and exteriors - it took you about an hour to understand what was happening.

Harry wanted the two of you to buy a house together. An odd request considering your income was far outweighed by his. But nonetheless, those were the words he used.

It took a month for you to fall in love with one of the houses he sent. It took another month for the seller to accept an offer. But now you were finally moving in.

You decided the best place to hang out would be the kitchen. Furniture in there would be minimal yet there would be plenty of boxes to unpack. Harry breezed through the doorway with a huge box,

"Babe, where ya want this?"

"What's it labeled?"

Harry set it down, craning his neck to read the upside down word scrawled on top in black marker,

"Pots and pans."

"Over there." You said, pointing to the corner cabinets.

Harry lifted it easily, setting it on the countertops. He walked back over to you, reaching out to grab the glass of water you'd offered him. He gulped down half the glass before speaking,

"So...movers should be out of here in an hour. Then we can get down to business."

"I'll be done in here in like ten minutes. That box you just brought in is the last. Then I'm headed upstairs to our room."

Harry nodded, gulping down the last of the water. He set the glass on the counter and then leaned forward with his lips pursed out for a kiss.

You obliged, pecking a quick kiss to his mouth,

"Get back to work, Soldier."


Harry walked into the bedroom a couple hours later. He'd successfully unpacked his gold records and other music memorabilia in the other room. He smiled as he watched you crawl across the bed as you struggled to get the fitted sheet on,

"Always enjoy watching you do that?"

"Do what?" You croaked out as you stretched, "Make a bed?"

He nodded,

"That fantastic ass in the air while you bite your lip..." He walked up behind you, reaching out to squeeze your hips, "Enough to make me hard for days."

You laughed, flipping over onto your back to look up at him,

"Harry, don't tickle!" You lifted your foot to his chest, "I'm trying to get this done so we can go to bed."

Harry quirked his brows,

"Don't need sheets for that, Love. We can just wrap up in each other."

Your laugh dissolved into a smile, watching as he lifted his hands to lightly massage your foot. Your smile faded as your eyes focused on the mirror above the bed,

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