Love On The Brain

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Request - Write something based on Rihanna's Love On The Brain

The phone rang. I knew it was going to. I kept hoping it wouldn't. But this is how things usually went. Date was made, plans were set and an hour before it was supposed to go down, he'd call and cancel. I should have expected it by now.

But I didn't. I always got my hopes up, I always thought that this would be it. This would be the time when he'd realize we were meant to be. When he'd finally see how much I loved him, how much I needed him. How much I could do to make things better if he'd just let me try.

But he kept me at an arm's length, just close enough to have fallen hopelessly in love with him but far enough to know that would never mean anything to him.

And I was tired. So damn tired. I deserved better. I deserved a man who rushed home to be with me, not one who called me at 3 am after he'd been unable to fall asleep. Not one who could connect with me when the lights were off but couldn't even look me in the eyes during the light of day. Not one who couldn't give me what I needed.

So this was it. I was going to let him go. Finally.

I picked up the phone without even looking at the screen to make sure it was him,

"You're cancelling aren't you?"

"Baby!?" He yelled into the phone.

And I knew. He was at a club, I could tell by the thumping bass in the background and the loud music he was trying to shout over.

I didn't care. I'd had enough.

"You're cancelling aren't you, Harry?"

"It's not my fault, Love. I got dragged here-"

"I don't wanna hear it, Harry!" I yelled back. I didn't even know if he could hear me, which made it kind of better being that I was about to tell him we were through, "It's New Years Eve...and you promised."

"I know. I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you."

He actually sounded sorry. Which was different. Usually Harry's sorry's were just words with no feeling behind them. Empty syllables that he spoke just to say he did.

"You can't." I said, echoing the emotionless tone of voice I'd heard from him so many times before.


"We're done, Harry. Over. I can't let you treat me like this anymore. I can't be the girl you come to when you're lonely only to leave me alone in the bed the moment sunlight pours into my room. I can't."

"C''s just one night. Don't do this." He protested.

How the hell he was hearing me was a mystery. I could barely hear him. But that was the least of my problems.

"It's already done. Happy 2017, Harry. Goodbye."

I hung up. I turned the phone off. I grabbed the glass of wine next to me and downed it in one sip. I poured another glass. I walked into my room, set the glass down and collapsed face first into my pillows.


I was awakened later by pounding. It could've been my head considering I drank three more glasses of wine before finally sacking out. But the pounding seemed to live outside of my head rather than inside.

I surveyed my room, just to make sure some wayward handyman hadn't decided to infiltrate my room and start making upgrades. The lights were still on, my TV was still blaring but no one else was here but me.

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