It Happened One Night (Part 2)

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I know requests are closed right now but I would like to make an official request for Harry + Maren part two or full fic if you ever see the potential for that. Because I kind of adore it and Maren's character. I've also read it way too many times. As said before to you in chat, I'd paint you a graphic if you wanted one for it.

You're writing is amazing and so realistic. I've been at three weddings the past month and each time I've imagined that Harry has been there as my plus one. Could you maybe write a little something how that scenario would roll out, like maybe you've been with H a while so you're comfortable and have spoken about marriage and just how he would be in such a fluffy romantic setting? 


"And we have designer Maren Ramsey as our celebrity guest judge today." Heidi Klum stated in her trademark German accent.

I couldn't believe this was happening. I, Maren Ramsey, was being introduced on Project Runway as not only a celebrity guest judge...but as a designer. Check number five off on my bucket list.

Things had rapidly changed in my life over the last year since my sister's wedding. Had I known just how many different things were going to happen due to that one event, I may have been far more cognizant of everything that was going on.

As it was, I could have never predicted it.

The presentation I had stayed to give, which almost caused me to miss my baby sister's wedding ended up being given to an angel investor who remained nameless. But the investor made it clear how much they loved what they'd seen and wanted to see more. That one gesture gave me the opportunity to design a dress for Natalie Portman for the Oscars. She ended up winning. Dressing a nominee for the Oscars as an unknown designer is one thing. Dressing the winner? I went stratospheric. I went from a tiny office in Soho to an entire first and second floor. Starlets clamored for my designs. I was in such high demand from the top stylists in the business I employed two assistants rather than one, because one of them was solely in charge of making sure every stylist that called for something got exactly what they needed.

That was just the first of three major things to have changed for me. The second was the fact that I had become an Aunt. Ashley got pregnant almost immediately after her wedding and nine months later, Oliver joined the family. Oliver was the love of my life. I spoiled and doted on that kid like he was my own. He was the only three month old to be dressed from head to toe in Maren Ramsey originals. He was also the only male I had ever designed for.

And last and maybe best depending on which day you asked me, was Harry. Harry was responsible for getting me to my sister's wedding and so much more. Despite my warnings that nothing, not even his dazzling smile are pretty green eyes, would get in the way of me and my dreams...he stuck around. In fact, he says now that the determination and drive with which I'd forged ahead were two of the top reasons he fell in love with me. Yes, in love. And I was as in love with him.

I fought it. I threw roadblocks in the way on purpose. It may sound childish but I had to know for sure that the he wouldn't walk away when my dreams got in the way of our times together; which they would frequently. I didn't want him to resent me for being a powerful and successful woman.

But it turns out, Harry Styles doesn't roll that way. Not only did he seem to enjoy the fact that I was as busy as he was, it seemed to be a foundation for us. We both had dreams and goals that resulted in not a lot of time together. So when we did get together, it was the most passionate sense of the word. We craved each other almost 24 hours a day. Which culminated in some steamy phone sex, text message and Skype sessions.

Damn, the things he could get me to do.

After three months of dating, Harry and I had the talk. We agreed to be exclusive. We also agreed to keep it secret. It wasn't because I was worried about his fans or what the media would say. I didn't want anyone thinking I had used him to get my fashion line off the ground. Harry lightly protested by pointing out my line was already a success by the time he'd have been declared my boyfriend but I didn't care. My success was mine, I had worked for it and no one would take that away from me.

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