Quiet Life

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Lllleeeezzzz gooooooo

Y/N's POV:

It's been some time after our whole fiasco with the Meta and Wash. We lost Church after all had been said and done....again. Washington defected to our side and is currently in charge of the blue team. I remain a loyal red, while Nevada is neutral in our daily shouting matches.

Life couldn't be any better really. I mean Donut's finally gone so I don't have to deal with his questionable comments. I miss having Lopez around to sass Sarge without Sarge even knowing what was being said.

Sure having Wash on the other side makes our capture the flag games more interesting. But it gets annoying having to deal with him. Sure neither of us we're the best fighters but he was ranked above me.

Oh let's see I've also built myself a nice little hut near the red base. But if I'm being honest, I built it to get away from the others. Grif snores way too loud. Simmons sleep talks about numbers and shit. And Sarge sings this song about wanting Grif dead every night. And one time I woke up with a C4 charges planted on Grif's crotch.

Needless to say I needed to get away from them. I tried bunking at blue base but that wasn't much better. Tucker talks to himself during "alone time". Caboose constantly asks me questions. And Wash...well he's a bit too controlling for my liking.

And now I sit a few yards away from my hut looking down at Valhalla.

Nevada: Got any room to spare?

I turn my head and see Nevada behind me.

Y/N: Yeah sure why not.

I scoot over and she sits next to me. Our legs dangle over the edge we're perched upon.

The sun begins to set as the reds and blues wind down from their days of dicking around.

Echo and Zeta appears next to our heads.

Echo: Ya know I could really get used to this.

Y/N: The fact that we're war criminals? Or the fact that nothings finally happening?

Zeta: I believe what you have done is called "jinxing it"

Nevada: Yeah that sounds about right. Somethings going to happen now.

Y/N: Maybe. But if anything I'm just glad it's all over.

Nevada: Well not really, the directors still out there.

Y/N: Your seriously not planning on going after him are you?

Nevada: For crying out loud Colorado he dropped a building on us!

Y/N: Well he dropped it on me. I shielded you from just about everything.

Nevada: And I'm eternally grateful to you.

I can just hear the sarcasm in her voice.

Y/N: Well I would've done it again in a heartbeat.

She goes quiet and I look over at her. Due to her helmet I can't tell what her expression is.

Echo: Yuh oh. I'll prep the healing unit.

Y/N: Wait what?

Nevada tackles me away from the edge and pins me to the ground. I struggle underneath her.

Nevada: See that Colorado?

Y/N: See what?

She lowers her head and our helmets touch.

Nevada: I don't need you to be my shield Colorado.

Y/N: I know. But I want to be your shield.

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