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Leezzz gooo

Nevada's POV:

Washington, Carolina and I touchdown on a tropical island of sorts. We're here to find agent Illinois.

I find myself staring at the clear waters in front of me. The waves lap against the sand. Carolina stands to my right.

Carolina: Find anything?

Washington: It's just as we thought.

Wash walks towards us. Behind him is agent Illinois' shack. It was empty when we showed up.

Nevada: Only thing missing is his armor.

Carolina: Which means he must have left in a hurry.

We step into the shack and look around. It's a cozy place. A bottle of unfinished rum is out on a wooden table. I go ahead and pick up and old picture of the freelancer gang at a bar.

Depicted in the picture is Illinois with rum in his hands. Carolina and York behind him. Me, Oregon and Colorado by the dart board. I think that night both Oregon and I drank Colorado under the table and then some.

Washington: You two look cozy.

Wash nods his head at York and Carolina.

Carolina: Pretty sure I hit him for that.

Washington: Man I remember this night. Colorado got fuuucked up.

Nevada: You've loosened up over the years huh Wash?

Washington: I suppose so huh?

We walk away from the shack and towards the water once more.

Carolina: Illinois really did it didn't he?

Nevada: I'll say.

Carolina: What do you remember about agent Illinois?

Washington: Uhh demolitions expert and crackshot with a rifle.

Carolina: I meant out of armor.

Washington: Oh. I hardly knew him then.

Carolina: Illinois wasn't like the rest of us. He didn't care about the board. He didn't lie, cheat, steal or backstab the others to get ahead. He was just focus on the mission at hand and the life afterwards.

Nevada: He dreamt of shack on a chain of islands. A cabinet full of spiced rum.

Carolina: And a little red sail boat.

Washington: Sounds like you guys were close.

Carolina: We weren't. Illinois was York's drinking buddy.

I see Carolina pull out an old lighter.

Carolina: This is all I have left of freelancer. This and my armor.

She goes to through it but Wash stops her.

Nevada: I'm going to go ahead and check around some more.

I leave them alone since I don't want to get in Wash's way of having a moment. A good five minutes later and I get called back.

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