Frontline Fuckery

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Leeezzz gooooo

Y/N's POV:

Y/N: Okay can someone tell me why blue team is like the universe's favorite team?

Echo: Yeah that's a load of bullshit.

Washington: Approaching the AO.

Oregon: You guys ready?

Y/N: To get shot at? It's practically a regular day at the office.

Washington: Knowing you, you'd lose your shit and break your desk.

Y/N: Hey now...your not wrong.

Our warthog begins approaching the crash site. I stare at all the other crashed ships wincing at the thought of being the sole survivor of one these ships.

Echo: Well isn't this pleasant?

Y/N: Your telling me. It's like a graveyard of ships.

Suddenly I hear bullets whiz past me and adrenaline courses through my veins.

Washington: We have made contact!

He fires his rifle dropping a merc and I quickly spray down three of them. The bullets tear through the black armored bodies.

Y/N: Wooo surprise mother fuckers!

I continue to fire at our outnumbered enemies when a shadow descends over the battlefield.

Oregon: The hell is that?

I look up and see a ship above the battlefield. Suddenly enemy reinforcements begin to jump out of the ship and begin their counter attack. Bullets fly around us as the enemies create a ring of fire and lead.

Y/N: Oh son of a bitch!

Echo: Enemy forces have tripled! We're outnumbered!

Oregon: Hang on!

Oregon makes a sharp turn and runs over a mercenary. Enemy forces continue to drop down onto us.

Washington: Now what?!

I hold down the trigger on my gun releasing an unrelenting furry of lead.

Y/N: Don't fucking ask me!

Echo: Oh shit!

A rocket slams into the hood of our ride throwing us out of it. I land on my back and wheeze as the air's been knocked out of me.

I pull myself up only for the barrel of a battle rifle to be pressed against my visor. I look up in time to see the enemy soldier be gunned down by an assault rifle.

Turning I see Oregon reloading his rifle before motioning me to towards him.

I run over and slide next to him.

Oregon: Getting a little sloppy there Colorado.

Y/N: Oh shut up. Where's Wash?

As if on cue Washington slides into our cover.

Washington: I'm here. You guys okay?

Y/N: Well my ass hurts from the fall but yeah otherwise I'm fine.

Washington: I'll get on the radio with Kimball to figure out our next plan of attack.

I nod my head.

Y/N: And I'll go and do what I do best.

Oregon: Being a liability?

Echo: Being incredibly stupid?

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