one (encounter)

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The gardens were decorated with Christmas lights and ornaments. An enormous tree stood towering in the heart of it all. Brett had walked around, taking pictures of buildings, views, florals, artistic statues and just people in general.

He looked around the vicinity and watched in fascination at the visitors with a wide range of background from all around the world. Perhaps it was the holidays season. Groups of families and friends walked by, bantering and laughing among themselves.

For a second, he felt a little lonely. But he tried to shake off the feeling. It was none other than his own idea to travel solo. To take his mind off things. To find himself again.

Maybe I should play something. Something festive. He unlocked his case and brought out his violin.

He positioned himself and played the first song he could think of when he thought about Christmas. Jingle Bell rang through the air as the bow danced on the strings. The music was getting the attention of some of the people around.

There were also children among the crowd. He smiled at them as they watched him play with wonder. Some of them even sang along to the Christmas jingles he was playing.

Every now and then, he would switch to playing some of his favourite violin concertos befitting the occasion that he could remember by memory. He was absorbed in his own performance, not realising the small crowd that had gathered to listen and appreciate the music.

As the sun started to set, it was getting dark. Most of the crowds had dissipated, returning to each of their homes. He stopped his playing and looked up to the sky peeking from between sky rises surrounding the park. It was splashed with a multitude of hues. Varying from mesmerising oranges, reds and pinks.

He positioned his bow once more.

Mendelssohn Violin Concerto E Minor Op. 64 2nd movement.

The tune started light and sweet. It was mellow, but vivid, portraying the beautiful sunset they have been blessed with. He loved this piece. It was romantic and always reminded him of the special moments with he used to share with him. The laughter, the caresses and the tender gazes.

Sadly, he is no longer mine.

It then transitioned darker, like the sky gradually turning purple and blue as day turned to night. The melody was melancholic but there was also beauty in that sadness.

He shut the world out as he went into the zone. Composed hands moved with practiced precision. His body swayed along to the swift movements of his bowing, completely immersed in his playing. His brows furrowed as the piece reached its finale.

As the last note ended with a ring, he stood still, overwhelmed by the memories that came rushing back to him.

Why can't I forget you?

An enthusiastic clap brought him out of his reverie. It came from a young man. He looked about mid 20s. Brett awkwardly bowed out of courtesy.

"You looked sad." The man blurted out.


"Oh- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude." He stammered.

"No, it's fine." Brett assured him as he packed his violin into its case. "I guess was just reminded of something from the past." He smiled. A sad smile, the stranger noted.

"I see. It's a shame to associate something so beautiful with a sad memory."

Brett blushed a little. Was that a compliment to my playing..?

"Oh. Um, I'm glad you enjoyed my performance." He nodded politely. "If you would excuse me, it's getting late. I have to head back. Have a good day."

Brett walked away, heading towards the exit, not knowing the man had watched him till he was out of sight.

What a strange man.

Brett woke up with a jolt. The ghosting touches from his dream felt too real, it was still lingering. He glanced at the bedside table, the clock showed half past four in the morning. He groaned as he sat up, running his hand down his face. Great way to start the day.

He walked over to the balcony, sliding the door open. The sudden cool air hit his skin and he shivered. That woke him up a little. He rested his arms against the rails, and stared at the sleeping city in a daze.

He brought out his phone, opening the chats. He stared at the name pinned at the very top and scoffed at how it was still saved with a heart at the end.

Still, he thought of texting him. His finger hovered over the keyboard with hesitation. And hope.

Maybe.. maybe it wasn't too late.

He let out a heavy exhale of air and eventually decided against it as he closed the chat. "What am I doing.."

Stupid dreams..

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