tayleigh's birthday

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A/n: happy 2020 everyone! i love interacting with you all and you guys saying you like my story makes me so happy! i wish you all a great year!

cheryl's pov
"mommy!" i was woken up by someone jumping on my bed. i rubbed my eyes and looked up to see it was tayleigh. "good morning tatertot." i said and smiled. "guess what day it is?" she asked me. "um i can't remember." i stated and her eyes bulged. "mama! mommy forgot my birthday." tayleigh told toni and i just laughed. "no way! i give you permission to tickle her." tones says. "not if i tickle her first." i say and reach for her. she screams and giggles fills the room.

"mommy...stop...tickling...me." tay tries to say but laughs in between each word. "are you two ready for breakfast?" toni asks us. "yes! can we have pancakes?" tayleigh asks. "of course birthday girl." i say and she smiles. toni and tay go downstairs and i wake up everyone else.

"brandon wake up it's your sister's birthday." i said and turned on his light. "which one?" he asked. "tayleigh. did you forget?" i ask and laughed to myself a little. "i guess so." he says and shrugs before going downstairs.

"liam wake up." i say and turn on the light in his room. "good morning." he says and gets out of bed. "morning bud." i said and he goes downstairs.

"wake up girls." i said after walking into ella and angelica's room. "it's too early." ang complains. "it's tayleigh's birthday." ella reminds her. "do i have to get up?" she whines. "yes. it's non negotiable." i said and she eventually gets up and goes downstairs with ella.

"gracie it's time to wake up." i say softly. she slowly get up and walks over to give me a hug. "remember to say happy birthday to tayleigh when you go downstairs." i remind her. "ok." she says but doesn't let go of me. "did you have another nightmare last night?" i ask her. she just nods slowly. "oh sweetie why didn't you just come into our room?" i asked. "i didn't want to wake you." she said and i picked her up.

"i'll bring you downstairs and you can tell mama about your nightmare. i still have to wake up your brother and sister though." i say and go downstairs with her in my arms. toni looked at me a little confused but i gave her a certain look and she soon understood.  i put grace down and went back upstairs.

when i walked into aiden's room he was already awake playing with toys. "good morning baby boy. your already up?" i ask him. "yea. look i got this train for christmas." he says and shows me. "wow that's super cool. can you go downstairs to eat? we're having pancakes and it's tayleigh's birthday." i tell him. he nods and runs down the stairs.

"evabear wake up." i say and turn on her light. i walk over to her toddler bed and take her pacifier out of her mouth. "good morning evi." i said and stroke her hair. "tired." is all she manages to say. "i know baby but we have to eat breakfast." i said and lifted her out of bed onto my hip. "can you walk downstairs like a big girl?" i asked. "no." she said and i sighed before carrying her downstairs.

we all ate breakfast and all tayleigh kept talking about was how excited she was for her party. the party was in our backyard even though it was a little cold since it was just christmas. luckily it was very sunny out and the temperature was in the 60s. tayleigh never really told us what theme she wanted so we just had to guess and hoped she'd like it. we set up all last night with some help from archie, jughead, kevin, fangs, and sweet pea.

"why don't we all get dressed and ready for the party." i suggested and everyone agreed. we decided to all wear outfits that had to do with tayleigh and her party.

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