Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"You want to get a room?" a drunk guy slurred at me.

"Yes, but not with you" I replied, pushing him aside as I walked further into the party. Some dreadful music was blasting out the speakers, and hardly dressed teenagers were scattered everywhere. I held my suitcase close – worried someone would use it as a sick bucket.

Walking into the lounge, I quickly found my brother. There, being held on his head, was my twenty one year old brother with his mouth around a tube leading into a keg. I just sighed – it was like he was in high school all over again.

My brother was attractive; smooth brown skin tone, swept back black hair, large brown eyes, bulging muscles, and a smile that could make any women swoon. So he was always popular with the women, and with the parties he threw, he was always popular with the men.

People were chanting his name, and pumping their fists. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I loved parties as much as the next person, but Selson lived for all parties. The stereotype that Native America's were all alcoholics was all wrong, but Selson didn't really help convince anyone otherwise. He wasn't an alcoholic, just a typical frat boy.

When he'd finished with the keg, they lowered him and he thrust his fist into the air. "Selson" I shouted, but he didn't hear me. "Selson" I shouted again – moving through the crowd towards him.

My brother glanced around, before his eyes landed on me. I got a bright, tooth sparkling, grin. "Alory Bear" he squeaked, jumping over a table and tackling me into a hug. He stunk with alcohol, and I pushed him off. Taking my hand, he hoped onto the table and pulled me with him.

"Hey everyone, listen up listen up" he yelled – every eye turned to us. "Everyone, this is my baby sister, Alora. If anyone tries to fuck her, I will royally fuck you up. Alright, everyone enjoy the party". He grabbed a beer can from the table, and held it up.

Everyone gave a whoop, and raised their own drinks. "You're an idiot" I told my brother, as I stepped off the table. "Now please show me to my room so I can dump my bags off".

"Sure sis" he grinned, jumping down and throwing his arm lazily over my shoulders. I grabbed my bag, as he led me upstairs. "Hey, Jude" he yelled, calling someone over. A tall guy, with curly red hair ran over. "My sister is staying in your room for a month, move your shit into Corey's room".

"Selson really?" Jude complained.

"Pack you shit up now, man. The only spare bed is in Corey's room, and I'm not having my sister sharing a room with that man-whore. So she's staying in your room, because it's the furthest away from the rest of the horny bastards in this place".

"Thanks bro" I muttered – not sure whether to laugh or be worried. Jude grumbled, but led us up to his room. It was on the top corridor, right at the end of it. He unlocked the door, and we both followed him in.

The room was large, with an en suite bathroom, and a large double bed. The room was covered in posters of half-naked supermodels, and motorbikes, and half-naked supermodels on motorbikes. But I didn't mind too much. Jude quickly grabbed a bag from his closet, and threw all his stuff into it. Selson helped him move his stuff down the corridor.

"Sorry about the posters" Jude told me, with a shy smile.

"I've lived with three men for my entire life. I've seen a whole lot worse" I laughed.

"Yeah remember that time you walked in on me and those two Swedish twins?" Selson laughed. Offering his hand up for a high five. I ignored the request.

"How could I forget?" I deadpanned, "it's engrained in my mind". I gave him a glare, which made both boys laugh. "Right, I need to phone dad, and then I'll come down and show you boys how to really do a keg stand" I smirked.

Jude laughed, "she's definitely your sister, man". They both headed back down to the party, as I pulled my phone from my pocket. I spoke to my neurotic father for a little while, before I convinced him I wasn't going to die in LA.

"Although someone has already offered me an amazing brownie. The room is literally spinning" I gasped.

"Alora, you're not funny. I'm hanging up now" he grumbled.

"But, daddy, the leprecurn is telling me to follow him".

"Alora, enough. Bye".

"Love you daddy" I giggled, as I hung up on him. I quickly changed my shirt, as it was creased from the journey, before I headed out the bedroom. I made sure to lock the door – I didn't want horny college students hooking up on my bed.

Back downstairs, I found out that most of the party goers were dispersing. It seemed the cops had been called. Selson saw me, and shooed me back upstairs, as he dealt with the cops who were clearing out the place.

I raced back up the stairs, almost crashing into someone. The tall man caught me before I fell back down the stairs. His large, callous, hands wrapped around my arms. "You're going the wrong way" he laughed, "my room is this way".

The boy, who had caught me, smirked. He looked to be my brother's age, with creamy white skin, swept back brown hair and dark hazel eyes. He was tall, and muscled, and with his leather jacket and cigarette behind his ear, he looked like the typical 'bad boy'.

"And I'm sure you've had enough girls in there that even the bed covers have STI's" I commented, moving around him and heading down the corridor. I heard him laugh, and follow me.

"Feisty, I like that" he chuckled; a throaty, deep, sound from the back of his throat. "I'm Corey".

"Ah, the man-whore with the double room" I smirked, pulling the key from my back pocket and unlocking my bedroom.

"Why do you have a key to Jude's room?" he questioned me, following me into the bedroom – even though I didn't even invite him.

"You're supposed to wait for a 'come in'. And it's my room for the next month. Jude is staying with you" I told him with a bright smile, just as Selson ran into the room – breathing heavily.

"Hey, we're good. The cops shut the party down, but didn't really do much else" he shrugged. "Just a normal Sunday in Beta Beta". He high fived Corey, and I rolled my eyes at their behaviour. "Wait a second, why are you in my sister's room?" Selson questioned, eyeing Corey with a frown.

Corey paused, looked between the two of us and cussed. "Dude, your sister, really? That is so not fair".

"The whole Native thing wasn't a hint enough?" I commented sarcastically. Corey ignored me, turning to Selson.

"Can't we change the rules just for me, man?" he sighed, not happily.

Selson's jaw set in anger. "You know the rules, Corey. You can't sleep with a brother's family, unless you get permission from that brother. And you will never get my permission. So, no, Corey. You can't sleep with my sister".

Corey puffed his cheeks out. "Why couldn't your sister be ugly?"

"There is a compliment in their somewhere" I muttered, looking between the two frat boys with a shake of my head.

"This is so unfair. First hottest girl to stay with us, and she is off limits. You know I love the whole exotic look" Corey grumbled angrily.

"Exotic? I'm from Canada, not Bermuda" I frowned at him.

"You get what I mean. Indian" Corey shrugged it off, before turning to my brother. "Selson, what do I always say?"

"If you were gay you would fancy me?"

"Exactly. But now I don't need to be gay, because looked who just walked into my life" he waved in my direction. "You know she is my dream girl".

"And that's why I put her in this room, and made Jude move in with you" Selson snorted, smirking softly. "So, no, Corey. You cannot fuck my sister. Not now, not ever. Got it?"

"Got it" Corey grumbled, looking like a small child. He then moodily huffed out the room, not happy about the situation.

"Sorry, what just happened?" I asked Selson, who gave me a dashing smile and threw his arm over my shoulders.

"Youjust met your match, Alora Jefferies. And his name is Corey Fields".

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