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Judith's P.O.V
Me and George left the music shop to let John get on with whatever he was doing. We went to the peer and sat down with our legs dangling over the side. I lied down on the floor and put my hands behind my head. Geo turned and looked at me.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, my hands stinging, and I'm worried about John."

"Why you worried about him? You've only spoke to him once." He pulled out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter and handed me one. I sat up and put it in my mouth, letting the air fill my lungs as I took a long drag.

"Yeah, but he tried to help me, and when I went after him he sped off."

"He seems like a dick." George said.


"He told es' to piss off." He said.

"Fair enough, but if he was that much of a dick he wouldn't have tried to stop it. He got slapped across the face to try and help me."

"Ye fancy him, don't ya?" Geo poked my stomach and giggled. I laughed and scooted away from him.

"No... well, maybe a little. But it'll never happen. He doesn't wanna talk to me." I said, taking one last drag from my cig before I threw it in the water.

"We can make it happen. I'll help, it'll be amazing!" He said. I laughed and shrugged.

"Okay, George. Try your hardest but it won't work." He scooted over to me and put his arm around me, I rested my head on his shoulder and looked at the water. It was nice and calm.

We sat in silence for a while until we heard someone shouting from behind us.

"Oi!" It was a policeman. Fuck. "Shouldn't you two be in school?" He said. We stood up and looked at him.

"Um... well- I-" Without thinking, I grabbed George's hand and sprinted off as fast as me legs could take es. We ran for a few minutes, the policeman chased after us but soon gave up when we sped up.

"Fuck, Jude!" George bent over to try and catch his breath. I laughed and put my hand on my hip.

"Where are we, anyway..?" He asked.

"I'm not sure. We'll find out. Come on." We walked for a while until we found the forest that was behind the school.

"How long left of second lesson?" I asked. George looked at his watch and sighed.

"10 minutes, we should probably go now."

We walked through the forest for about 5 minutes until we reached the back wall of school. Geo helped me climb up the pipe and into the boys bathroom. I looked around before grabbing hold of his hand and pulling him up.

"Why thank you." I rubbed my hands together and walked into the corridor, and guess who was walking around? Paul.

"Wha-" He pointed at me and Geo walking out the boys bathroom together and shook his head.

"Oh, hiya Paul." George said doing that smug little smile he always does. "Where are you off to, then?"

"The toilet, where've you's been? 'Av been looking for yes'."

"Just into town, we went to the music shop for a while and then t'peer."

"What's going on here, then?" I turned around to see none other than the one and only Mr Morrison staring down at me with his hands on his hips.

"We just went to the toilet..." Paul said nervously.

"All of you? At the same time?"

"Yeah." I turned and looked at him in the eye, showing I was completely un-phased by the thrashing. He raised his eyebrows and walked off. Yikes. And with that the bell rang. People came flooding out of the classrooms.

We waited by the toilets for a bit while everyone passed, when the bathroom door opened. George was leaning on it and fell backwards into the person who walked out. Paul grabbed him and ended up dropping him with laughter. I giggled and helped them up, but felt the colour go from my face when John looked down at George. He opened his mouth to say something when he looked up and saw me holding onto Paul.

"Hi..." I said. He gave George a look of disgust and walked past.

"Hiya." He smiled at me and continued walking. I felt butterflies form in my stomach as he put his hands in his pockets and swaggered away.

"Jude..?" Paul clicked in my face and smiled. "You okay?" He asked.

"She fancies him." George said.

"Who..?" Paul responded.

"That John lad."

"Oh..." Paul let go of George and escaped my grasp and ran his hand through his hair and looked around. "I have to go... um, I've got - a detention. See ya." He walked off and didn't look back.

"What's up with him, then?" I asked. George shrugged.

"No clue, come on, let's go. I'm starving." George skipped away towards the stairs and swung around the banister.

"Jude?" He said.

"Shit, sorry."

~ ~ ~ ~

Hey guys, thanks so much for reading. Sorry for not updating in a few days, I went back to school on Tuesday and things have been pretty hectic lmao. But remember to vote and comment your thoughts, and thanks for reading💞

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