Chapter 9; The Creek

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 Arthur awoke the next morning just as the sky turned from an indigo to a steel grey. The air was warm, but a chill still ran through the breeze, ruffling the cowboy's hair as he exited the tent and put his hat on. Glancing around, he saw nothing had changed from the night before except for the burnt out fire. He looked up when whinnying caught his attention. Ghost trotted over to him and shoved her face into his shoulder.

"Well, good mornin' to you too girl," he said with a chuckle, pulling out two carrots from his bag and handing one to his horse. She thanked him with a huff and he nodded back. Then he walked over to Shadow's Cast and gave her the second carrot.

While the two horses ate, Arthur took some of the unused wood from the night prior and started a fire to cook breakfast. He pulled out a can of beans and his mess kit, setting it up over the building fire. Then he poured the can of beans in the small pot that stood over it.

Just as he began splitting the pot up into two bowls, Arthur heard a disgusted shout from inside the tent.

"Oh my God! Oh my God!"

"What is it, Albert?" Arthur didn't move, having a hunch of what it was already.

"Arthur! Arthur, she peed on me!" Albert stepped out of the tent with his front soaking wet and the baby in his arms. She didn't seemed phased by the discomfort. Arthur couldn't help but laugh.

"Arthur, it's not funny! It's disgusting! I just feel awful!" The photographer looked at him in a pleading way that asked if he knew what to do. Arthur snorted again and shook his head, putting the bowls down and getting up.

"Alright, alright. Let's go over to that stream in the middle of the valley. You can clean up there. I need to fix you up with s'more bandages anyways." He reached his arms out to grab the babe and Albert handed her over.

"What about her?"

"I'll clean her up and get her in one of my shirts she can be free to take a shit in."

"Alright," Albert nodded as he walked over to Shadow's Cast and rummaged around his bag to pull out a spare shirt. Then he went back into the tent to get his shoes and the contaminated bed rolls. He came back out looking just as miserable as before. Arthur chuckled.

"Come on, let's get you two cleaned up," he said as he raised his free arm. Albert leaned into his partner and let the arm settle around him as the two - plus both of the horses - began their walk to the stream.


A few minutes later the creek came into view. The sun was just above the trees now, causing the water to glisten in the morning light. The babe in Arthur's arms cooed happily, and a moment later he felt Albert's gaze turn his way.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you last night," the photographer said in a quiet voice. Arthur turned to look at him, a small frown on his face. Albert's eyes were downcast and he looked ashamed.

"Hey, it's okay, Albert. Like I said, we were exhausted." His partner's eyes flicked up to his own.

"I know, but I shouldn't have done that. Besides, you're right. She needs a mother and a father and a stable roof to have over her head." Arthur's brows rose in surprise.

"Really? You think I'm right?" Albert scoffed.

"Of course you are!" He was quiet for a moment after his exclamation, a complicated expression washed over his face.

"No matter how much I've enjoyed her company - despite knowing her only half a day and the fact that she relieved herself all over me - she needs a stable home to grow up in. We can't give her that." The photographer crossed his arms and glanced at Arthur. His eyes were filled with pain. It made the cowboy's heart clench.

"C'mere," was all he said before grabbing Albert's wrist and pulling him down for a small kiss. His partner's tension left him and hands game up to cup themselves around Arthur's face. After a moment the two pulled away.

"Feelin' better," Arthur asked. Albert gave a small smile in return.

"A little. I would feel a lot better if I was clean and didn't smell of pee." Both men laughed and then the babe joined in with a giggle. No doubt she thought everything was funny right now.

"Alright, then." The cowboy took his partner's hand and quickened his pace so that soon they were standing by the creek's bank, their ankles surrounded by lush green grass.

"I'll clean the bedrolls," Albert announced as he walked over to Shadow's Cast and pulled the two rolls down. Arthur watched him kneel down next to the stream, take his shirt off, and submerge all three items.

"Arthur, do you mind handing me a soap bar and brush?" Arthur nodded and pulled out both from his satchel, throwing them over to the photographer, who clumsily caught them with a nod of thanks. At a noise from the babe in his arms, he walked over to the bank and knelt down himself. Then he unraveled the soiled blanket and placed it underwater, weighing it down with rocks at each corner. After that, he put the baby down on it so her lower half was submerged in running water.

The child, not liking the sudden change in temperature, whined and splashed her hands down at the water in upset. However, the action of the thing plus the sensation of the water against her face instantly changed her mood. Her face went from scrunched to surprised in a moment. Those big, dark eyes went impossibly wide as she looked down at the clear, cool water that obscured her hands in an almost silly way. Then she looked up at Arthur, who was watching this process with amusement, before looking back down at the water and splashed with one of her hands. A smiled immediately rose to her face and she splashed with both hands. Joyful, twittering giggles rose from her chest, resulting in laughter bubbling up in Arthur's own.

"Havin' fun there," he asked the tiny thing. She seemed to be too preoccupied to answer, but Albert gladly talked in her place.

"It looks like she's enjoying herself," he chuckled, looking up from his task to watch the scene beside him.

"She does," Arthur replied with an amused huff, eyes traveling over to Albert's. An almost wistful yet serene happiness passed between them, but was lost when water splashed up into Arthur's face. A loud giggle erupted. Then a laugh.

"Looks like she's begging for attention, Arthur," Albert said when he finished laughing. The cowboy wiped the water off his face and turned to give the baby a mock glare, who just beamed up at him.

"Alright, fine, let's get you cleaned up. Albert, the soap?" The photographer tossed it over and he caught it, nodding in thanks. Arthur rubbed it between his hands then set it down on the bank before getting to work on the overly excited baby.

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