Chapter One: Red

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Blood seeped slowly along the cracks of the kitchen tile. A tall figure lingered over the boy on the floor. Billy cried as he laid on the floor clutching his head. Neil had slammed Billy's head against the kitchen table. Max watched in horror at the sight in front of her. Max's mother was trying to calm Neil down but he wouldn't budge.

"You're nothing to me," Neil sneered at the boy.

Neil finally had enough and stomped away. Billy sat there in total shock. Max tried to help him but Billy only pushed her away. Billy stood up and stumbled clutching his head. Thick blood ran between his fingers. Susan (Max's mom) rushed to him and helped him to the car where she rushed him to the hospital.

Billy woke up dazed. He looked around not recognizing the room. His head ached. Billy groaned and put his hands on his head. He clenched his jaw.

"Good! You're awake," The Nurse said.

"Where the hell am I?" Billy stammered.

"The Hospital sweetheart. You have a severe concussion," She said walking over to him and placing her hand on his head softly.

Billy had started to recall the events from the night before. He hadn't noticed he had been crying until the Nurse hugged him.

"Sorry," He coughed out.

"It's ok sweetheart, let it out," She said softly.

Usually Billy would have been embarrassed by this but right now he didn't care. He cried loudly. He felt better after a while and the Nurse informed him that he would be able to leave soon. Billy got comfortable and begun to watch TV.


Steve promised to take the kids to the pool today. So after his shift ended he said his goodbyes to Robin and headed to pick up the kids. He pulled up to the Byer's house and went up to the front door. The door opened to reveal Will. Will had a distressed look on his face and motioned for Steve to come inside.

Inside Steve saw all the kids huddled around the table. Max had tears running down her face and she was spilling her guts about something to Hopper.

"And then he shoved him," Max choked out.

Hopper shook his head and tried to comfort Max.

"There was so much blood," She cried.

She looked up to meet Steve's gaze. Steve was confused and concerned. He walked closer and sat at the table with everyone else. Max continued telling Hopper about what Niel did to Billy. Steve was in disbelief. Yeah he hated Billy but in all honesty Billy didn't deserve any of what has happened to him. Steve began to feel bad.

Hopper stood up and began to get ready to go. He told Max that he was going to arrest Niel and she needed to be a witness in court. Max agreed and with that Hopper was out the door. Everyone sat in silence. No one wanting to go to the pool anymore. Lucas hugged Max trying to calm her down. Max looked up at Steve.

"Steve, will you please take me to the hospital to see Billy?" She said tears beginning to fall once again.

"Of course," Steve said grabbing his keys.

Everyone piled into Steve's car and he started the engine. Within ten minutes they had pulled into the parking lot of the Hospital. Max ran inside already knowing what room Billy was in. Everyone ran trying to follow her. Max found Billy's room and carefully peaked around the corner.

Billy was eating crackers. Max and her gang of goons walked in. What surprised him was when Steve walked in behind them.

"How are you doing?" Max asked walking over to Billy.

"How do you think I'm doing? I have a severe concussion for God's sake," Billy hissed.

"Why are you always such a dick?" Max said raising her voice.

Billy just rolled his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Billy said as he looked around Max at Steve with squinted eyes.

"Max asked me to bring her here," Steve said looking down.

"Get out," He said looking at everyone.

With that everyone walked out... except for Steve. He walked closer to Billy.

"Why are you still here? Are you deaf?" Billy shouted.

Steve stood by Billy's bed side and stared at him. Billy's anger began boiling. Steve grabbed Billy's shirt collar and leaned over to Billy's ear.

"You watch how you talk to those kids. You hear me?" Steve threatened.

Billy squirmed out of Steve's grip and stared at him hatefully. Steve began walking towards the door. Then he turned around.

"If it means anything I'm glad your ok," Steve said as he opened the door.

"Well it doesn't," Billy said.

After Steve had left Billy was alone again. He began to think about what Steve had said and how close Steve had gotten to him. He could feel Steve's breath on his neck. Billy blushed in embarrassment at his thoughts. He didn't have feelings for his sworn enemy... right?

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