Chapter Twelve: Steve

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Steve woke up in a cold sweat. The ground below him felt hard and smooth. The air around him was freezing cold. 'He likes it cold,' Will said in Steve's head. The memories of seeing a possessed Will flooded his brain. Steve didn't dare open his eyes. Fear flowed through his veins.

Steve then began to hear low growling sounds. It sounded as if whatever was making these noises was circling him, like prey. Steve's breath hitched as a growl was emitted close by his ear. Steve tensed and tears began to threaten his eyes. 'Where am I? Is Billy and the others ok?' Steve thought to himself.

He became brave and fluttered his eyes open. Steve was initially met with darkness but soon his eyes started to adjust to it. Steve could make out some odd tall shapes all around him. 'Trees?" Steve questioned to himself. He slowly began to sit up but immediately heard a faint growl from behind a nearby tree trunk. Steve didn't know where he was. However, he needed to find a way out and fast.

Steve began walking slowly and cautiously between trees. Every now and again he would hear faint growls in the distance. Finally Steve spotted a building. "The Hawkins Police Station" the sign read. Steve bolted towards the station. As he ran to it he noticed it looked very worn down. He stepped inside the building only to be met with more decay. Everything was falling apart. 'But this place was fine yesterday,' Steve thought.

Back out front Steve stood and stared up at the building. He hadn't noticed before but little white flakes were falling all around him. "Is it snowing?" He question out loud. He reached his hand out to catch some of the flakes and sure enough, it was snow. Steve was baffled after all it had been the middle of summer. He began to slowly walk towards the next decaying building. A small gas station.


Billy froze. He didn't know what to do. The love of his life had yet to come through the door. Hopper had enough and sprinted back inside. Joyce and Billy stood next to each other. They were both shaking like leaves. 4-5 minutes later Hopper came back out. "I can't find him but-" Hop trailed. "What?" Billy shakily asked. "There is a hole in the wall... I stuck my head in and it leads to... The Upsidedown. He's back," Hopper stuttered out.

Billy didn't know what the hell this "Upsidedown" shit was but it sounded serious. "Well lets go in there so we can get Steve back!" Billy exclaimed angrily. They didn't have time to be scared and wait around. The more they waited... the less of a chance Steve has of surviving. Billy truly was at a loss here. He didn't know what to say or do. He looked at Joyce who then looked at Hop.

"We need to see a pal of mine," Hopper said. He dug in his pocket for his car key. Once he found it he raced towards the car with Joyce in suit. Billy ran after them and caught up. "We don't have time for this. We can't just leave him! We have to help Steve!" Billy yelled. "We are helping him. Now get in and let's go!" Hopper shouted back. Finally, Billy obliged and got into the car. Hopper sped in the direction of the Hawkins Lab.

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