Chapter 8

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   I sit down in the chair by the window waiting for our guests. My heart does skips of excitement but a pit of worry keeps it from getting to the surface. What if something goes wrong? What if the eye's plan doesn't work? What if Danny's plan doesn't work?

Danny has been taking control and doing things his own way. He's bending the rules and I feel like it's going to bite us later. He hasn't necessarily changed any of the stuff that we're supposed to do, he just adds plans. He's leaving a lot of things to chance but we can't afford to have it fail.

Multiple feet pounding up the stairs breaks me from my thoughts, here we go. I can hear muttering outside our door, they do know we're in here right? The walls are thin and we can here almost every word, though nothing's sinking in.

The door bursts open and officers storm in. I can see their lips moving but the ringing in my ears is over powering. I see Merritt hold a finger up. I wipe my face from emotion and put my hands up lazily only letting a small smile break free, that's what they were asking; right?

Henley starts to come down the steps and the agents point all their guns at her shouting. I still can't hear a thing, I wonder why. I guess I'm nervous but who wouldn't be when you're literally waiting to be dragged into an interrogation room.

Henley speaks with a smile then the agents start taking our bags. What did she say? I feel like it was something funny. The main guy comes up to me, makes me stand up and yells in my ear. I don't mind, it all sounds muffled to me.

He starts getting mad then grabs my arms and puts them behind my back, ok; I guess he was giving me a demand. The agent puts handcuffs on me that are way too tight, then gives me a little push to start walking, perfect I'm at the front of our little line to go out the door.

The others look at me like something's wrong, or that I'm supposed to do something. Is this their act? Maybe I'm not doing good or they're afraid I'll blow it all, that's right, leave it to the kid to mess everything up.

Out of nowhere something hard collides to the side of my face almost knocking me off balance. Before I faceplant into the door, two hands grab my shirt and practically throw me up. The officer shouts spitting in my face then pushes me out and makes me walk.

As we all get lead down the hallway and into the elevator I get lost in thought, I know I've seen that officer before. Maybe I on the news? I recognize the face but I can't put my finger on where I've seen him before.

Slowly but surely my hearing starts to come back as the crowd around the lobby cheers upon seeing us. Most are just shouting Danny's name but I smile at them all anyways, were technically still in the show; it never truly ends.

When we reach outside, a long line of police cars crowd around the parking lot, blocking some of the street. I can't help but laugh, this all feels unreal. I didn't even know Vegas had this many police cars, though it's probably full of crime; maybe it's needed. Part of me wants to be terrified but this is exactly what the eye planned, everything is laid out for us, Danny even made scripts.

The same cop who hit me puts me into his car, great, more time to figure out who he is. After we both get in, the officer buckles his seatbelt and groans tiredly. I smile, "Rough day?"

"Shut your mouth kid," he growls rubbing his face as the traffic jam of cops show no signs of moving.

I laugh a little bit, "sorry, thought I'd try and break the ice a little since were going to be here a while." Leave it to Danny and Merrick to come up with all the snarky comments.

The officer turns around giving me an annoyed look, "you've never been transported by a police car before have you? Usually there's not so much small talk." I stay quiet, none of the lines I was forced to memorize would make sense in this context. "How old are you?"

I have a bunch of comebacks for that, "what happened to no small talk."

"It's not considered small talk when I ask the questions."

I lean my face over to the cage bars separating us, "well," I drag out. "I'm not supposed to say anything until I have a lawyer present," I say not even trying to hide the sarcasm.

I can practically feel the officers anger grow as we start to move, "you're just a kid. A stupid little kid caught up in the wrong scene."

"Harsh, you think I just stumbled into this? That I just walked in the door of some underground lair and became a Horseman?" I say a little more dramatic than necessary.

He just laughs grimly, "you don't need talent to prance around the stage setting up the others tricks." My face falls a bit and he smiles with pride, "your Horseman aren't your friends. Show business is an every-man-for-himself world, they'd throw you under the bus without a second thought if they were given the right offer."

I look down, "you're wrong."

"Yeah? Then how come you're never up there doing the tricks?" I glare a bit at him and that was all the answer he needed.

The officers radio sounds with screeching static, "Rhodes, do you copy?"

Everything comes flooding back like water gushing from a broken dam. Dylan Rhodes, the cop who helped me out a year ago. Does he remember me? I look a bit different but not by much, is that why he's giving me a hard time? Is he scared I'll rat him out for letting me escape? Or is this all revenge for nearly costing his job?

All I know is, I'm screwed if I don't play my cards right.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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