Ch. 2: The Fall

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Alexa's POV

The next morning I woke up feeling a bit better than last night and decided I would be fine going to the mall.

Reagan and Hannah came by to pick Katie and I up, and we had a blast singing to the radio on the way to the mall.

Once we got there, we hit up a few clothing stores before deciding to take a quick snack break.

We all decided on some frozen yogurt and found a table to sit at.

"Reagan that top you found was so cute. We should hit up a jewelry store and find a necklace to go with it" Katie said and Reagan agreed.

They all kept talking while I felt that fuzzy feeling in my head again. I then realized I dazed off a bit too much and got some of my frozen yogurt on my other hand.

"Oh shoot. I'm gonna go grab some napkins real quick" I said and got up. I think I might've gotten up too quickly as the dizziness only got worse, but I pushed through and went to the cart where the napkins were. I missed the container on the first two tries, but managed to grab a few. I put them to my hands to start cleaning them and turned to walk back to the table when my legs started to feel fuzzy too, almost like when they fall asleep.

"Katie!" I slurred out in a rush as I felt myself fall, and everything went black.

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