Ch. 4: The Relapse

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Katie's POV

Somehow I managed to drift off for a moment, but got shaken awake.

I was hoping it had all been a bad dream, but when I opened my eyes to see Dave, Lori, and Lucas back out in the waiting room, all in tears, I knew it wasn't. And I knew it was bad news.

"So umm, we talked to the doctors. And.. and, uh, it's back" Dave said, holding a crying Lori in his arms.

All of us sitting there stared to cry. We were all hoping that wasn't going to happen, so the news was just heartbreaking. We all hugged each other and tried to help each other through the pain we all felt. After a few minutes, once we finally started to kind of pull ourselves together a bit, Lori finally spoke up.

"We were able to visit with her for a bit. Katie, Spencer, if you're up for it, she wants to see you both" she said quietly.

"Of course" Spencer and I said at the same time and Lori told us the room number, also reminding us to Purell our hands before going in.

For some reason that hit me even more, probably because it reminded me of all the times I visited her the first time and had to be really careful of sanitation and germs. It was just another thing that made the cancer being back feel real, and it sucked.

After what felt like an eternity of walking down the hall, Spencer and I finally made it to the room and made sure to clean our hands before walking in.

"Hey Alexa. How are you feeling" I whispered as we sat down on either side of her bed and grabbed one of her hands.

"It's back Katie. It's back. I thought I was done with cancer, but it's back" she said, equally as quiet, tears brimming her eyes.

"It's okay. You're strong. We're all here for you, everybody. Your friends, your family, me, Katie. We'll help you get through this" Spencer said softly.

"I'm scared" Alexa admitted, finally letting all of the tears fall. It absolutely broke my heart watching them stream so quickly down her cheeks. I tried to picture her back when we first got to the mall, I had just thought she looked strong and healthy after everything she had already been through. But somehow she already looked so small and fragile again, hooked up to all those wires in that hospital bed.

"I know you are. But you know you have amazing doctors here that will help treat you and then you'll get to say you kicked cancer's butt twice!" I tried to smile, but quickly turned back to a small frown.

"They already started a new treatment" Alexa pointed at the bag hooked up to her IV, "but what if they think I'm cured again later on, and I get my hopes up again, and it comes back again? What if I can't really fight it again?"

Spencer and I both shook our heads a little.

"You can't think like that Alexa. You just have to focus on getting better. I know you'll get better again" I assured her, more for myself at this point.

"You helped me get through it, and now it's my turn. I know we always hoped that I'd never have a turn, but it's like you told me, sometimes you just have to roll with the punches and find a way to keep going." Spencer said.

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