CH.12 Return

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Years Later


We -Gildarts came with us- stepped off the train "Magnolia... it feels so good to be back" I placed my hands to my hips "let's go to the guild" Happy flew out as we made our way to fairy tail "man Magnolia's changed these past few years" Gildarts said looking around at the new shops and buildings.

The Fairy tail sign was above us "hey we're back!" I kicked the doors open everyone stopped in their tracks looking at us "Igneel? you're back!" Jun stood up with open arms running towards me "welcome back" Amaya smiled as we walked into the guild greeted by the others.

The guild doors opened with a little boy dragging Sayaka "come nee-chan dad's in here" a blonde boy said pointing to the bar "slow down Raiden" Sayaka held his tanned hand in hers "I told you not to talk about the guild" Silver walked in behind the siblings "easy for you to say your not the one being dragged here Silv" she turned back to angrily "I'm just saying" he shrugged his shoulders "look! look it's Gildarts!" Raiden jumped up and down pointing in our direction as she turned towards us "Gildarts!" he ran towards him hugging his leg "hey Igneel" Sayaka walked over to me "how's it going?" she raised a pale hand smiling "awesome" I replied grinning at her "your finally back flame brain" Silver said amused "don't act like you didn't miss him Silv" Sayaka smiled up at him "are you speaking about yourself or me?" he smirked down at her "when did this happen?" I ask "are you trying to steal Sayaka from me?" I pointed a finger accusing at him "what?! nee-chan and Silver are seeing each other! don't try and steal her from him!" Raiden said pointing at me "please don't make the situation even worse Rai" Sayaka pinched the bridge of her nose "does he even have any idea what he just said?" Silver asks "it's true you love Silver" Raiden said "Raiden Storm Dreyar! stop bothering your sister!" Mrs Dreyar yelled "don't assume things and lie to others" Mrs Dreyar placed her hands on her hips "mom it's-" "I'm not really in love with Silver baby brother as I have told you before" Sayaka interrupted holding up a finger matter of factly that cancel out Silver from the list of rivals I thought.

Sayaka caught up with me the rest of the day it feels as if we were never apart Silver did join us but had to return to the guild "that's basically it" Sayaka finished her explanation "so many things have happened" I stated as she nodded I placed my handovers hers "I never would've thought Carla would do something like that" she smiled sadly "it's painful to know that she's gone but I know she never would've traded that moment to save me for anything" I intertwined our fingers.

Sayaka caught up with me the rest of the day it feels as if we were never apart Silver did join us but had to return to the guild "that's basically it" Sayaka finished her explanation "so many things have happened" I stated as she nodded I placed ...

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Both of us looked away from the other with blushes on our cheeks "Sayaka..." I called "huh?" she glanced at me "Anata wa watashi ni totte, totemo daiji na sonzai desu (you mean so much to me)" she blushed looking down embarrassed a smile curved her rosy lips "aishiteru Igneel" Sayaka's eyes softened "uhm" I cleared my throat she rolled her eyes scooting closer to me placing my hands on her waist "uh...S-Sayaka?" I ask embarrassed "be quiet" she hushed moving her head closer placing her lips on mine but pulled away a second after second-guessing "on second thought I'm going to go get something to eat" she turned away embarrassed "don't back out after you started" I pulled her back placing my lips back on hers pulling her onto my lap "hey Igneel I've come to join you and Ms Haruhi" Hikari announces barging into the room happily we pulled away "Hikari what a nice surprise?" Sayaka says as he screamed.

At the guild

I sat at a table annoyed with an unamused Sayaka "what were you doing to my Haruhi? why were you two so close? what have you done to her?!" he points at us screaming profusely "we're dating you idiot and who said I was yours?!" Sayaka scowls at him "what?! when?! how come I wasn't informed of this?!" he asks as I sighed annoyed "you were there when we first kissed and that was a huge give away you idiot" I replied irritated "it was honestly expected they clearly love each other" Silver added "I was so close though" he sulked "not even remotely close" Happy said "you should've taken a hint since I rejected all your declarations of love" Sayaka informed "I told you I wasn't interested but you didn't listen" she shrugged "I see you more as a brother than potential love interest" his mouth hung open "brother zoned..." he turned to stone "it's alright man there are plenty of fish in the sea" dad pat his back "I don't know what that means but thank you" Hikari said "it means there are millions of girls out there" Sayaka explained with crossed arms "I'm going to go eat a tub of ice cream" he walked away "hey Hikari there's always Mika! she loves you!" he turned surprised "she does?" we ask unison as she nods "I'll go find Ms Mika then!" Hikari bolted out the guild "that was a fast recovery" Silver said monotoned I'm glad to be back I thought I'm more happy to see her my sunshine.

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