Bad Vibes

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[2] Bad Vibes

Little did I know that I was wrong.

Very wrong.

With a chirpy voice, the professor went "Since you're a new class, why don't you introduce yourself to the person sitting next to you. Find out what their name is; their course; their block, and maybe what they are interested in. We'll have some sharing later."

And there was an awkward silence. She didn't turn to me, nor did I turn to her.

A guy in front of us turned his head to Felice. "Can you come with me to the GA later?"

GA? What's a GA?

Using my peripherals, I saw her smile as she replied, "Of course, but GA for what?"

"Hey" I replied, and the funny thing happened, she frowned again. Twice in this period! I wouldn't have minded if it was not directed to me, but although she wasn't exactly looking at me, I knew it was for me.

I can't believe it.

"Uh..." The guy laughed, "I'll have to check."

I think I know this guy from somewhere, I just couldn't remember. His eyes averted to me and said, "Hey."

A minute later, she turned to me as she fiddled with her pencil box. "Well, hello." Then lifting her head, she gave me this huge smile as if nothing was wrong in the first place. "Uh—hi." I stammered as her eyes went piercing through her glasses and directly to me. I couldn't trace the slightest annoyance that I've seen earlier nor the giddiness that she had 4 years back.

"Well, aren't you a shy fellow. I'm Felice Li, freshman, from Psychology, I like cars and food. You are?" She said as she hadn't felt the slightest animosity between us.

"Anthony Tan, freshman, Communications," I said as I omitted the things I liked.

The guy turned to us again. "Hey Felice, I saw your stalker a while ago." Felice stuck her tongue out and grinned. "I don't have a stalker, silly." The guy smiled, "But wherever you are, he's there." It was obvious that he was teasing her, but she just seemed to brush it off quickly.

Wouldn't she like to have someone to tease her? I'm sure it doesn't happen to her every day.

"Shut up, Justin."

Justin, huh? Right. I remember someone named Justin from a rival high school a year ago.

"Hmm...I thought you were familiar." She laughed and faced front.

What the freaking hell? Is she kidding me?

I thought youwere familiar.

Of course, I was... You were stalking me for heaven's sake!

Even as my foolish musings continued on, for the whole period, I just sat there listening to their non-sense chatter.
3 weeks later, I was bored out of my skull. University seems just like an upgraded high school with a more expensive tuition fee.

PE was my saving grace. I actually liked swimming, well, maybe not as much as I like basketball, but it's good enough.

Unfortunately, I had a hard time enlisting for the Men's swimming that I was forced to enlist in a general swimming PE, mix gendered. No matter, just makes it better for me, I'll be seeing women in their bathing suits, not that I could or would complain. I am a man, and I appreciate a good body when I see one.

And good heavens, was I surprised to see something so awfully wet. Are you fucking serious? How can I be so unlucky to have her both in my Math class and in my PE class?

"Felice, why are you wet?" A girl asked her.

"I took a shower. I didn't want to go in the pool completely dry. It will shock my system." She giggled. I don't remember her being this cheerful, but whatever it is that makes her happy can be quite contagious, the girl she's talking to instantly smiled.

"Oh, Anthony, you're in this class too?" I know this girl she's been talking to all along.

I couldn't just remember her name.

I gave her a slight smile and thought about why the swimming teacher was absent for 3 weeks. Today was the first day of PE even as classes started a long time ago. Today is the first time to meet the teacher, to meet their classmates and to see what we have to do. PE was supposed to be relaxing... Groan.

"Hey," Felice said as she looked at me, and without waiting for my reply, she walked away.

I've never seen a woman look so bad in a bathing suit. I could imagine a lot of things that went wrong in the shape of her body. Firstly, it seems too tight, judging that she isn't really the epitome of an hourglass body. Second, her legs were huge! I had to fight the urge to laugh when I saw how white and pale they were—like Swissroll cakes from the Brother Bakers. And lastly, she was wet. Wet women are supposed to be erotic, but not this one, Felice looked like a wet dog.

"Dude, why are you staring at that?!" This guy said as he fixed his goggles. "Thought you had more taste in women. Poor Karen." He shook his head.

This dude was part of the High school varsity, and unlike other acquaintances, I actually remember his name, but I just didn't put much thought to it because I was busy criticizing Felice's body.

"I wasn't staring. Check out those cakes man, like freaking tires!" I laughed as we jumped in the pool.

As soon as classes were over, I went to hang in the cafeteria with my block. Pretty girls were everywhere, and at least half of them knew me so I wasn't at all BV today.

BV, such an interesting word that only meant "bad vibes", it only came to fame last year, and everybody seemed to use it already.

While I was in a daze as my mind sidetracked, my phone vibrated, it was a text message from my driver, and apparently, he was already at Unit 1. Whatever will we do without the trusty Unit 1 loading and unloading area? Go load and unload in a restricted area, you have to pay hefty fines.

My short happy mood was changed immediately when I reached Unit 1. Felice was there, carelessly standing with her bags on the floor as she texted someone. I reluctantly ascended the steps to the shed and stood about 3 feet away from her. I guess when she felt someone close by; it was an instinct to lift your head up to see who that was. When she did, her wet hair dangled loosely over her face, a wave of recognition washed over her reaction and so she gave me a small tight smile, and then went on frowning.

She hates me. I can't really understand it, and I won't even try anymore.

When my driver came, I looked at myself in the rear-view mirror; there was a permanent scowl on my face because of the fucking BV. "I thought you said you were already in Unit 1, how come I've still waited for you?" The driver's eyes averted from the road to me in the rear-view mirror, and he replied softly, "I was already there, but I was sent away because you weren't there yet."

Right, after a very long and bad day, just put the fucking blame on me.

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