Chapter Two

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I blame college applications, animation work, and scholarships 😭 Up top is a song that reminded me of this chapter, and if you slide right, you'll see the outfit that Levy made Luce for her birthday 💜 Enjoy Chapter 2...

"You know, I really hate being celebrated." I complained to Natsu, who was seated in the driver's seat of my Beetle—Levy and Jellal had taken his Camaro.

Natsu sighed humorously at my immense reluctance towards Levy's party later that night, "There are worser tragedies, baby."

At that moment, we were on our way to the movies since Jenny refused to allow my birthday to pass without celebrating in some way. She settled on taking me to see the new Romeo and Juliet movie—even though I'd made a point about adaptations not being my thing—and everyone decided to join in. So she, Ren, Bacchus, Cana, Jet, and Natsu's blue-haired siblings were tailing us.

"The last birthday any of us had was Laxus's." Natsu said, trying to alleviate my discomfort by enlightening me with why the party was so needed, "We're all so old at this point, our birthdays feel more routine than special."

"Well, the feeling isn't too different on my side." I argued, and he rolled his eyes.

"They're all very excited about this." He continued, ignoring me, "It's just something fun... different."

I sighed, not at all assured of the situation, but a little more understanding of where they were coming from.

He parked my car in one of the open spaces of the movie theatre lot, and our friends followed suit and parked in the spaces closest to us.

"Not to mention, you'll get to see Happy." Natsu said, his signature grin etched across his face. I couldn't help but smile as well.

His flying blue tomcat was definitely an irresistible character. He was overly childish, yes, but without a doubt an adorably noble companion.

"Oh now you've got my attention." I giggled, and Natsu eagerly grasped my hand in his blazing one.

Jenny hopped out of Ren's car and trotted over to me. Levy came out of the passenger seat of Natsu's car and did the same, linking arms with me while everyone else followed behind. Jenny immediately bought our tickets at the ticket window, refusing to allow me to try and talk her out of it.

Everyone else bought their tickets, and we huddled into the movie theatre. After practically raiding the concessions, we all made it to our designated screen room and took our seats.

The previews began, and Natsu slid over in his recliner before motioning me over to him. I grinned before moving over the arm-rest that separated us, cuddling next to him. Minutes later, the movie started, and the iconic introductory monologue commenced.

"You said there are worser tragedies than a party..." I whispered to Natsu, and I looked up to him to see his eyes already on me, "Care to elaborate?"

The corner of his lips pulled upwards softly, "Well..." He trailed off.

His eyes suddenly grew dark, like he was remembering something grave. He blinked, vanishing whatever thought crossed his mind before turning to the screen.

"Just look at Romeo." He said, nodding to the male protagonist, who had finally appeared on screen much to Jenny's bubbly excitement, "He killed his true love out of straight... stupidity." Natsu whispered, looking back down at my questioning expression, "Had he held off on the dramatics... Waited a second longer... He would've seen her eyes open, and they would've lived together."

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