Chapter Five

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"Mira, let me do that." I said, coming out from the kitchen to see Mira back and mopping the floor with, what smelt like, straight bleach. I hadn't had the chance to see how bloody I'd gotten the area after my crash, but if Mira was still mopping, it must have been a lot.

"I'm already done, sweetheart." The albino beauty said, assuring me with her signature smile. The hot blush on my cheeks didn't fade, however. "How do you feel?" She asked, her voice calm, but facial expression desperate and embarrassed.

"I'm fine," I promised, "Laxus stitches faster than any doctor I've had."

They both chuckled.

Natsu, Levy, and Happy came back in through the living room's screen door. While Levy and Happy hurried to my side, Natsu stayed back with an emotionless expression.

"C'mon, honeybun, let's get you freshened up." Levy cheeked as Happy carefully settled on to my shoulder. Her gaze snapped down to my ruined outfit and quickly back up to my eyes before I nodded and followed her up to her room.

Once there, she shut the door behind us and speed-walked over to her vanity makeup-desk. She opened a drawer and pulled out a stylish pair of red glasses. I smiled as she put them on and pushed them up the bridge of her nose.

"Cute shades." I commented, taking a seat on the foot of her bedframe. Happy floated down to sit next to me, not making a peep.

She smiled softly, "They aren't just for show." She said, walking to one of her tall bookshelves to search for a specific text, "They're called Gale-Force Reading Glasses. They help the wearer read any text at phenomenal speed... Which comes in handy when dealing with Spell Books."

I rose an eyebrow as she unearthed her desired book. It was as thick as the average novel, and when she opened the cover, her glasses switched on and a crystal blue, holographic ring stretched out from the outside of the lenses. Natsu told me about those... They were called Magic Circles. Only ancient spells and magic items caused them. Those glasses must have been rare.

Levy didn't touch the book again. Instead, the magic in the glasses flipped its pages speedily and Levy looked on in concentration. The crystal blue words within the ring flew by like encryptions being decoded, and before I knew it, Levy blinked and closed the book.

"Got it." She said, removing her glasses and putting her book back.

"Got what?" I asked humorously, still in shock of her casually using magic in front of me.

"There's a spell for just about everything. Even the frivolous stuff." She chuckled, "I couldn't remember the spell for renewing someone's clothing. It's been so long since anyone here has had a wardrobe malfunction with our superior reflexes."

I nodded, and she stood in front of me and Happy before chanting something foreign to me. My clothes were illuminated and my hair began to float up from the magic weaving its way around me. Soon, the light around me snapped down into the clothing and the beautiful lights died out.

My once messy and slightly torn outfit was brand spanking new. Jude wouldn't notice a thing... Except for my bandaged arm... possibly.

My eyes were wide as saucers, "Thanks, Lev."

"No prob." She said simply. I thought of something.

I hesitated before saying, "Hey, if you could fix my outfit this quickly with magic, how come Laxus didn't use it to patch me up?"

"The few spells we have for healing wouldn't work for someone who's not a mage. They're too powerful." Levy explained, "Plus, Laxus has never considered healing humans with magic. Doing so would expose us, so we've never looked into finding safer spells for such things."

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