My Girl - Ruel

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Ruel was just starting to get to know her, being in the same group but never really getting to know each other before was a big mistake to him. She was nice, the girl every type of guy would have liked, and he was oh so in love with her.

That day, their group hosted a party at Noah's house, and when he saw that she wasn't there with them made him ask his friends where she was.

"She said she wasn't able to come," Bethany said as she sipped her drink, something strange in her tone.

"Where can she be?" He asked.

"Probably at her house,"

He left the crowded building as soon as he heard the words, running to his car and starting to drive to her house.

She was in a dark place she never wanted to be again, but it was a routine during that period. He knew, she mumbled about it once while being with the group, thinking that no one actually heard her, but he did.

Ruel rang the doorbell as soon as he reached her front door, really worried about her. She was never the one to miss parties, especially when the group was invited; it was weird not seeing her around.

The door opened a while later, her small frame right in front of him.

"Oh my- thank god, you're alive!" He said before pulling her in a hug, relief washing off his body. Her hands wrapped around his hoodie as she hid her face in his neck, him feeling the tears coming from her eyes just a while later.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" He said as he pulled her away, just to look at her red puffy eyes.

"N-nothing," she whipped away the tears and opened the door enough for him to come inside the house.

He caught her hand in his, stopping her from running away from him, some more tears leaving her eyes.

"Y/N, don't tell me you're fine because you're definitely not," he whispered, dragging her to her room, closing the door after him.

She sat on the bed, fiddling with her hands as he looked at her, just the dim lights of the window illuminating her pretty face.

"I-I'm just tired," she whispered, not catching his gaze.

"You're not. There's something going on," he said as he rapidly sat next to her.

"I-it's just... I feel so lonely..." She whispered. "I knew there was that party going on, I saw that on Matt's story, they just didn't invite me,"

"What do you mean?" He asked shocked.

"They don't want me anymore, they told me the other day," more tears falling from her eyes. "I'm too boring to stay with them, and they already found another girl to swap me with,"

"I'm gonna kill all of them, I swear," he muttered angrily.

"No, they are right"

"Y/N, don't say that, you're not boring,"

"Then why am I always alone?" She angrily cried. "Why did my friends in high school replace me with another girl? Why did boys break my heart? Why do people make plans in front of me without asking me out too? Why am I always that friend they come to when they don't have their favorite friends around? I can't trust anyone anymore," she angrily hissed.

"Come here, Y/N," he said, opening his arms for her to hug him. She closed the gap between their bodies, crying heavily on his chest. He rested his chin on top of her head, kissing her hair softly, whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

"I love you," he whispered all of a sudden, not really realizing what he was saying.

"W-what?" She asked, a look of shock on her face.

"I-I love you," he whispered again, this time more insecure.

"I love you too, Ruel" Y/N whispered, pecking his lips, some tears still falling from her eyes. "Just- please, don't break my heart,"

"I won't. I swear, I will treat you like a princess. Wait- no, a queen. You deserve all the happiness in the world, and I know that we will have to go through bad times, but good ones will eventually come around. You just have to hold on, not just for me, but also for your family, okay? I love you so much, I can't lose you," he whispered, tears making their way down his face too.

He got closer to her, their lips touching in a romantic kiss, full of passion and pain at the same time.

"I'm gonna leave that stupid group," he muttered in between kisses. "They treated my girl like shit, so they won't have me again"

Her heart fell to her chest, the words my girl making her whole body relax into his.

"I love you," she whispered as her loving eyes looked up at his.

"I love you too,"

Jan 02, 2020

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