Chapter 1 : I've been abandoned what do I do?

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The first chapter is here~ hehe I hope you enjoy the story~ this idea came to me randomly and I hope that this story becomes decent~ anyway let the chapter start.

Mom, where did you leave me? Did you hate me this much?... No why am I even wondering about this.. Of course she hates me now.. I'm not her Zutto anymore.. I'm just a freak..

I felt my stomach growl, I winced in pain of the acids in my stomach nipping at its carrier, I needed food to settle myself down and to curb away my hunger. I looked around me and took in my surroundings once again. I was on the side of a rain slick highway that I didn't recognize, the only thing in sight was the road and all the cars speeding by.

I shivered at the cold wind slipping through my rain drenched clothes, looking down at my trembling hands I could see that they were turning a faint shade of blue. Even though I was young, could tell that I needed shelter soon.

I can't be pathetic and give up... A monster like me doesn't deserve that luxury... I've got to keep walking and not stop until I get to a safe place.. But which way should I go?

I didn't have any indications of which way was the best way so I decided to go left, I chose left because I'd rather have the pelting rain at my back than stinging me in the face, making me half blind as I stumbled around.

I was dizzy, mostly from the cold and hunger, but it might have been due to whatever my mom had done to me before I was left out here to fend for myself.

What if this is the right way? What I'd I see my mom.. What will I do? Try to go with her?... No... Even if I do see her, I'll stay away... I don't deserve her love anymore..

I wonder if dad would have still loved me if he was alive? He never judged others... Well I guess I'll never know, it's not like I can bring back the dead, so there's no use complaining over it I guess..

I suddenly jumped back to avoid being splattered with mud filled water, a car had been driving too close to the highway's edge. I didn't need to be filthy as well as Hungry and cold, nobody would take a second look at me if I looked like a street urchin, that's just the kind of world that we live in.

But aren't I now a street urchin? I don't have a home anymore because my mom left me... I made a dumb mistake and the result was turning into a freak.

What if others saw my new ears and tail? Would they act the same? Maybe I should hide them somehow... No.. I'm a freak.. I shouldn't try to disguise myself as a normal human..

My dizziness seemed to be getting worse as I stumbled through the rain, the wind was pushing on my small frame, forcing me to walk faster than what I was comfortable with. It had been a few hours and yet still no signs of a city or town was found, I was beginning to doubt the direction that I had chosen as I slowly made my way up the steep hill that the highway seemed to cover. I wished there were sidewalks, I didn't like how I had to trudge up the unpacked side of the highway, occasionally slipping on the loose gravel or slippery mud.

I pulled the hood of my hoodie over my head, I didn't before because it had already been soaking wet, however I pulled it up to shelter my sensitive ears from the harsh winds, not to hide them from sight.

When I reached the very top if the hill, I felt the slight hope I hade slip away into the storm. I could see no buildings at all even with the altitude of the huge hill. The vast emptiness made my head spin, I felt myself stumble before I felt my body hit the cold, wet ground, then everything faded into darkness.

"Hey Kizutan, this boy' quite the looker!"

"You' sure right 'bout that Hanoka he' going ta make some cash for us"

"Very true, he's got them green eyes, rarest colour of 'em all. Also that scarlet 'air colour, he'll be a hit with them ladies! Maybe even 'dem boys as well"

Huh?.... Who are those sloppy speaking people...? Why am I warm...

"Ah! Th' little boy' a wakin' up!"

I fluttered my eyes open and was met with the sight of two grubby looking men sitting in front of me. The one on the left had hair that I assumed to be blond, I couldn't tell because of all the grime that existed within it, making the hair stick up all over the place like a porcupine's quills just exempt for the length. His face was angular and covered in filth, murky brown eyes and teeth that were so crooked and yellow that I could guess that he had no idea what a toothbrush was.

The one on the right however had no hair at all, his scalp probably would have had a nice sheen to it if it wasn't so filthy, it was almost as filthy as his narrow face, hazel eyes rimmed with red and pieces of rotting food were poking out from between the gaps in his crooked teeth. The first word that popped into my mind when I saw them was 'disgusting'.

"Who are you guys?"

It was hard to speak without gagging at their stench that they were emitting off of their shabbily dressed bodies. I got a bad feeling from them.

"I'm Kizutan and that' Hanoka we're your new owners boy"

The bald one spoke as he smiled at me with his disgusting teeth showing, it sent me cold shivers down my spine, I had a really bad feeling about these guys.

Owners? What happened? Where am I? Why am I even here?!?

Me: I left a cliffy~

Zutto: what's going to happen to me...

Me: you won't know until chapter 2~

Zutto: maybe I deserve all of this...

Me: ...... Anyway I hope you liked this chapter~

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