Chapter 3 : Truely an idiot duo

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Chapter 3 is here~ yay anyway since I own this there's no need for a disclaimer~~~ so let the chapter start! .... And yes more bad speech from Kizutan and Hanoka...

I worked on cutting the duck tape that bound my wrists for what seemed like forever, every second that passed by filled me with unease. Hanoka and Kizutan could return any minute from now and I didn't want to know how they would react to me trying to escape.

I smiled when I felt the tension holding my wrists together slacken, then fade away all together as the duck tape broke. I wasted no time in sitting myself up to examine the damage. Crimson was dripping from my wrists from my many unaimed strikes towards the duck tape, it stung. I felt relieved as I noticed that though the cuts were abundant, all of them didn't seem deep enough to be life threatening.

Good.... It would have been bad if I managed to escape from those idiots only to bleed out myself.

I looked around for something to wrap around my wrists, I grimaced because the only fabric I could see were old filthy clothes that most likely belonged to one of my two captives or even both of them.

Instant guarantee of infection if I used those....

I sighed as I tore a piece of my shirt away with the shard of glass, it wasn't perfectly clean, however it was better than those filthy clothing scraps or just letting myself bleed.

Now how do I escape?..

I pulled on the chain that was attaching me to the wall and frowned, it really wasn't as weak as it seemed to be. Either that or a child's strength wasn't enough, I sighed and decided that it was the latter explanation.

I need a key.... If I were those two idiots where would I leave it?....

There were so many stupid hiding places for a key, and that was if they didn't keep it on themselves in the first place. If they did, that would cause even more problems for myself.

My scarlet ears twitched as I heard the sound of approaching footsteps, I looked around slightly panicked. I still hadn't found the key.

I'm running out of time... I should pretend that I'm still bound!

I scrambled towards the wall that I had been chained to and slumped down with my hands behind my back against it. Now I only had to hope that they were as idiotic as I thought they were so that they wouldn't question my location change.

The door to the small room swung open and Hanoka walked in followed by a wincing Kizutan, I allowed my head to slump down so that it looked like I was unconscious or at the least had given up.

"Brudah... Kitty lookie like he dead...."

Hanoka sighed as I heard him walk over towards me, I wrinkled my nose at his closeness.

"Hmm maybe wittle guy got a scared of us, wittle 'eart gave out maybe"

Kizutan whispered, it almost sounded as if he was genuinely sad at the though of me dying.

Don't worry I'm not dead! I won't allow myself to die by the hands if idiots!

"What? Little heart go bye bye?... Brudah the moneys doe!"

I could just barely see Hanoka shake his ugly mug sadly as he looked down.

Assuming I'm dead without even examining me?..... I don't know if I should feel shocked or not..

"Mmm rottin body'll stink dis 'lace up.. Need ta rid of it"

I felt Kizutan lift up my small frame as soon as he finished speaking, I had to fight my natural reaction of struggling and force myself to stay limp in the man's grubby oversized hands.

I was glad that the idiot had remembered to unhook the chain from the metallic collar around my neck. I wasn't so sure I would have been able to stay silent if he had tugged me away and accidentally strangled me, again.

Take the collar too! Don't waste materials..... I don't want it on me!

"Bye bye kitty... Bye bye cash...."

Hanoka whispered as Kizutan dragged me out of the room, yes dragged, by the tail as well. Even though I was 'dead' it still didn't mean it was okay to drag me so roughly. I bit my tongue to prevent the whimpers of pain that would have escaped with every time my head banged against an object. It felt as if my tail was going to be yanked off, it was worse because I had my eyes closed.

I inwardly yelped as I was suddenly thrown into something cold and wet, I didn't dare move out of fear that I was still being watched. I knew I was outside from the breeze that blew.

After waiting for what seemed like forever I perked my eyes open and slowly looked around, I sighed with relief when I saw that I was alone.

I can't believe I escaped.... If those two weeny idiots... Who knows what could have happened to me...

I silently got up and waded my way out of the sewer duct I had been thrown in, the scents that assaulted my already your tired nostrils would have made me pass out, that was if I hadn't already been breathing in putrid air beforehand.

It really sucks having an enhanced sense if smell... Well I'm lucky that this sewer duct isn't too deep... So much has happened... What do I do now?....

I collapsed with my body half way out of the sewer, I didn't care anymore, I just wanted to rest. I didn't think those two idiots would bother looking for me even if they noticed that my body had disappeared.

Because I'm a freak... Will scary things continue to happen to me?....

My vision blurred from my exhaustion, even though I didn't act like it, I was still a child with very little stamina to keep me going. Right before my vision faded fully I saw a pair of shoes approach me and a young boy knelt in front of me.

"Hang in there mate! I'll get ya someplace safe!"

The boy splashed something on my face, my vision began to clear so that I could see more clearly. The young boy seemed to be a few years older than me, he had short cut blond hair that framed his face and misty grey eyes that were swirling with worry.

"Who are you?... "

I whispered tiredly as I allowed the strange boy to help me out of the sewer.

"I'm Miriyoku Rīdā, you?"

The blond haired boy replied, he seemed friendly enough, at least he hadn't tried to capture me as soon as we made contact.

"I'm Zutto Kura, thanks for stopping me from losing consciousness Miriyoku"

Me: that's le end of the chapter~

Zutto: I was so lucky...

Me: yeah really!

Miriyoku: lucky?

Zutto: long story...

Me: hehe another character had appeared! What will happen?! Anyway hope ya enjoyed the chapter filled with luck~

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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