Chapter 1

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I finally finished packing my suitcase for my trip. Every year my family and I go camping; to build a tighter family bond. Since my mom is a doctor, my dad is a lawyer and siblings are always out. We never had enough bonding time together just as a family.

I love my family and spending time with them, but I have to admit that camping is boring. Every year it's the same place, same familiar faces and same old activities. Nothing new or fun anymore.

All year I begged my parents to go somewhere else. After about a month or so of begging, they finally gave me the change to go camping by myself. I didn't expect to go by myself, but they found a next camping ground that was for teens only

The travel to the airport wasn't that long comparing to the camp site. 

After all that travelling we finally made it to the last bus station. Just one more ride and we're there. Thank God.

There were two buses going to two different camp sites. One of the bus was yellow with white bold words on it. Leading to the camp where my  family is going, While the other bus was plain white and black. My camp bus.

"Mel?" My mom called my name taking me away from my thoughts. I look over to her giving her my  attention.

My parents gave me all type of 'talks' before they left.

They told me to meet them when the camp was over. That I must follow the sign and some basic stuff. The worst part of the 'talk' was the boys part. Telling me all kinds of things about teenage boys. They even went too far with the bed thing.

I hug my family before we went our separate ways. 

I quickly got on the  bus and found an empty seat. Putting down my suitcase, I took a seat next to a boy with ocean blue eyes and pink lips.Wearing a leather hoodie jacket that covers his curly black hair.

"Hey" I said politely with a nice smile.

"Hey" his rough voice with a hint of english accent sent shivers  throughout my body,sending back a nice friendly smile.

"I'm melody. Mel for short" I introduced myself.


The ride there was much longer. The places were so much different too.

Everywhere was green and full of tress. I look around with amazement. Then bus finally came to a stop.

"We're here" the bus driver shouted.

Everyone was grabbing there bags and suitcase and pushing their way out. I grabbed my suitcase from where it was,making my way out

I got out of the bus and took in the fresh air. Standing with a huge crowd of teen boys and girls. I stood there feeling a little nervous.

"Are you okay?" Some one touch me on my shoulder. I turn around facing Jason.

"Yes. I fine" I lied

"Well come on" he said

I followed him to this table where they took our names and gave us our cabin number. Which was cabin #6. The females' cabins were over one side, while the males' at the other.

Our camp director miss Taylor introduced herself, along with the other camp volunteers. She had short black hair that reaches her shoulder and muscular in body.

"Every one please find your cabins and get settled. Then we will start our first activity!" She shout to get everyone's attention.

I walked to my cabin only to see two other girls. One of the girl had black curly hair with dark complexion, wearing a pink blouse with writings all over it. The next girl had bright green eyes and blond straight long hair.

"Hey I'm Melody" I introduced myself

"Hey I'm Kayla" the blond hair girl said. "And this is Ashley" she gave me a very genuine smile.

Maybe this camp wouldn't be that bad. I will finally get to meet new persons and make new friends. It's good something to be on your own without the help of your parents..right? Its my first time out camping without my family. I might even meet the one.   

The whole camping thing can maybe change my life for the better. I might have my ups and downs when dealing with situations, but all of that will make me a stronger person.

Not saying that i'll be here forever, but for the future it will be every beneficial. 

It's my time to experience something new.

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