Chapter 2

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There were 2 bunk beds in our cabin. For one of the bed Ashley took the top while Kayla took the bottom bed. 

The other bed was just me, I took the bottom bunk. Leaving the top one empty.

"Should there be next girl here?" I ask looking at the empty bed.

"It should be four girls a cabin" Kayla said " I guess so"

"Maybe we're short of girls"  Ashley put in.

The rest of the day we did an activity. This was a get together one. Where everyone talk and get to know each other. Then followed by dinner.

The camp was going good so far. Everyone seems nice. Expect for a group of them. Ashley warned me stay away from them. They aren't the set of kids to camp with.

I guess every camp has a mean group..right?

I walk in my cabin with the other girls. Tonight wasn't that bad how I expected it would be. It was fun.

"Mel?" Kayla said.


"Is this your first time camping?" She ask

"No,but its the first time by myself" before I could say something else the door flew open.

"Girls" our camp director miss Taylor said as she open our cabin door. "I have someone coming to stay here" she continued. "If any thing goes wrong please report to me immediately. He'll be here soon"

"I'm sorry miss, did you say he?" I ask shooting a confuse look to the other girls.

"Oh yes I did. We had miss count the amount of boys coming. There're more boys here than we could accompany with beds. While there are less girls here this year" she explain "Don't worry he isn't a trouble maker" she added and with that she left.

"Omg" Kayla screamed "A boy,coming to stay with us"

"Calm down girl. We still don't know it's who and to add no boy should be sleeping with the girls. Its in the slips we got" Ashley noted.

We talk for awhile when there was a knock on our door.

"Well I guess he's here" I said. I went to the door and open it.

"Hey" I said before I realise it was who.

I was face to face with Jason from in the bus.

"Hey" he said with a cute smile of his

I move from the door way to give him access to come in. He placed his things down.

There was no need for him to introduced himself. They all did it earlier. Where Kayla literally beg Ashley  for them to talk to him.

The rest of the night was okay I guess. I did talk to him neither he did to me. Its kinda weird being around him. 
Oh my, I think I have a crush

Ha I just met crazy right?

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