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Before we start, I aged up the boys and a trigger warning non graphic character death! It gets a little intense in this fic not going to lie. It's also long. I hope you enjoy it took me 2 days to write it and make sure it liked the flow and all that! I really enjoyed writing this and it almost overwhelmed me but I understand now why writers take days to write things! Anyways enjoy!


Soobin forgetting everything but Taehyun after an accident... but not remembering they broke up some time ago.


"Taehyun? Is that you?"

It was a simple question, a question that had no hidden meanings, no suggestive undertones, and no hate or spite behind it. It was a simple question, that Taehyun didn't want to answer. 


Exactly 2½ years ago Soobin and Taehyun broke up. It wasn't messy, but it still left bitter hurt feelings on both ends and split their friend group. Taehyun was fine with this, he just wanted everything to be over with his boyfriend of 2 years. They just fell out of love.

So once Taehyun had all of his things loaded up he moved in with Hueningkai for a while until the subtitle tension between the two ended up in a fist fight and the two were promptly separated. Then Taehyun moved in with Beomgyu, and while it was nice Taehyun felt he needed to get his own place. Beomgyu understand that want and even helped him look for apartments, until Taehyun got the offer of a lifetime. The modeling agency he was under gave him the chance to go work in France under a famous designer. He accepted to opportunity immediately and packed his things as quickly as he could. Beomgyu didn't necessarily tell Taehyun he was happy that Taehyun was moving out but Beomgyu's enthusiasm while helping Taehyun pack got the message through. 

When Taehyun got to France he felt right at home. The architecture, culture, and fashion made him love the country even more than his previous home.

Then he meet Jeon Jungkook and instantly fell for him. Taehyun couldn't even understand the man but he knew that Jungkook was his Mr. Right. So of course Taehyun attempted to speak with him in broken french and Jungkook laughed then spoke to him in korean. Taehyun was even more mesmerized after that. Later that week Jungkook asked him out to dinner and of course Taehyun said yes. Soon after they started dating and Taehyun even moved in with Jungkook. Life was finally perfect for Taehyun. He had an amazing boyfriend, an adorable dog, the job he always wanted, and all of his troubles far away in Korea.

Then his picture perfect life started to fall apart and it all started with that phone call. 

Taehyun had gotten home from work a bit late that night. Jungkook had already finished making dinner and was waiting for him. Taehyun smiled fondly at his amazing boyfriend. 'So what if he's 28 and I'm only 23, he's the most perfect boyfriend ever.' he thought. Taehyun then went inside to greet him. Jungkook's face lit up and hugged Taehyun tightly. Taehyun smiled and pecked Jungkook. Then the two chatted over dinner and did the dishes together. I was their 1 year anniversary and they had a fun night ahead of them. After the dishes were done Taehyun went to shower first. Once he was done he called Jungkook up to shower. While he waited for Jungkook, in the living room, he was scrolling through Instagram when his phone started buzzing. He went to ignore it because he didn't recognize the number, then he saw that it was a Korean area code. By that time Jungkook had finished his shower and was downstairs read to watch movies, so Taehyun answered the phone. "Hello? Taehyun?" The voice shocked him, it was deep, and he didn't recognize it at first. Then it hit him. "Soobin?" His voice was shaky and he sounded shocked. "Babe, I…I think I…I'm hurt.. can you come…my head really hurts….." Soobin's line went quiet. Taehyun was confused but upset, "Soobin-ah you can't keep calling me drunk anymore. I can't come pick you up anymore. Call someone else about your problems now." He was aggressive and rude(in a Taehyun kinda way), then he promptly hung up the phone. Jungkook eyed him with a worried expression. "What was that about?" He asked. Taehyun brushed off the question, "An ex. He called me drunk or something." Jungkook scoffed, and threw his arm around Taehyun possessively, "Too bad, you're mine now." He stated simply turning on the movie they picked out.

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