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Trigger Warnings-

Blood, Fighting, War, Violence.


Kai as an angel, Taehyun as a demon who meet in the human world not realizing they're each other's, natural enemy


Hueningkai had finally been promoted. Finally, he wasn't stuck delivering messages between God and other angles, he was finally going to be in the front lines and fight. Finally, he would get to fight in the war. He was ecstatic despite the concerns of those around him. He raced to meet the other new recruits to see his positioning, hoping for the front line.


Taehyun killed another angle knowing full well that he was getting further from redemption the more he killed. He could care less. 'at least it's not torturing the poor souls of hell.' He shuttered and turned back to camp. He walked trying to clear his head of the faces of the angles he had just finished off.


Hueningkai smiled as he moved with his squadron. He wanted to fly ahead and get to fighting already but he knew he couldn't. He didn't want to get in trouble before he even got to fight. So he stayed and moved with the team. No matter how snailish the pace.


Taehyun got to camp the chatter of demons and screams of souls piercing his ears. "Taehyun!" Someone called. He winced knowing who it was, the worst of them in his brigade. "Soobin-hyung," he turned to him. Soobin gave Taehyun a big bunny smile. Taehyun scoffed internally. You would think he was the last person to be in hell but you'd be wrong. Right under that charming innocent bunny smile was a ruthless murder and a renowned torturer; he was so known he has a seat at the table with Satan. The sin of wrath. The only reason he was here and not at the table or with the other sins was that he wanted to murder a few innocent angles. Taehyun pushed out a fake smile. "What's up?" Soobin gave him a wicked smile. "Don't tell me you didn't hear!" His smile was cute but Taehyun knew what was really behind that smile particularly. "I just got back hyung, what's going on?" Soobin's smile widened as the alarm sounded. "Come and see for yourself." He grabbed Taehyun his grip too tight and hands burning. Soobin rushed them out to where a scene of new angles were fighting the less experienced demons. Soobin hooted his smile becoming splitting, showing his pleasure in it all. Taehyun watched and noticed as the inexperienced angles struggled to fight the demons. "Let's go! Come on!" Soobin said not being able to hold back his blood lust and pulling Taehyun with him. They caught the eye of the elder angle. The elders' eyes widened and fear enveloped him. 'Runaway, please.' Taehyun thought as he drew his weapon. "Retreat!" He called and Taehyun felt himself relax. 'at least not all of them will be totally blind to it.' The angles scattered and most retreated. The injured demons were fighting retreating too. Soobin was already tearing into the remaining leaving the rest to Taehyun. He fought them with ease not feeling as he tried to think of something more pleasant. Then he got to a kid. He wouldn't surrender. No matter how hard they hit, he still stood. No matter how many shots he took, he wouldn't fall. No matter how much blood he lost he was still standing. 

"Stand down!" Taehyun shouted to his men, the pile of demons dissipating as he spoke, leaving only the kid and him. The kid shook bloody and weak, but somehow he managed to pick up his sword and hold it. Taehyun's face twisted in disgust, 'so we have a noble angel. Disgusting'

 Taehyun took a sword, wiped the blood and approached him.

"You really should just give up, it's not worth it. You will lose." Taehyun pushed him down, and he fell. Straight through the clouds all the way to Earth. He turned and walked back to the camp. 

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