Chapter 1: A Hopeless Long Lasting Crush.

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Kevin Keller

"I can't believe this is the last day of school!" Betty exclaimed next to me. I sighed while closing my locker. "I hate summer." Betty leaned against my locker. "Why do you hate it? The weather is hot and you can go to swim in the river."

"Yeah i hate all of that and the river is disgusting. And not everyone gets to spend the summer while looking at Archie his twenty five abs from the next door." I said and looked over at the end of the hallway where Archie and his girlfriend Valerie were talking.

I've had a crush on Archie since i was fourteen years old. I mean how could you not ? He is perfect! Ginger hair , a gorgeous smile , he has abs, he is popular and he has a gorgeous girlfriend. Is there anything he doesn't have ?

"Actually he has six abs not twenty five and i have better things to do than to spy on Archie." Betty said as she took her phone out of her bag. "He may be my neighbor but we don't talk at all. And did you know that he is already drinking alcohol? He is only sixteen!"

I rolled my eyes and looked again towards the ginger boy. "So what ? Alcohol is not that bad." Betty sighed. "Kevin I thought that you were over him. You are with Moose. Don't you like Moose?"

I looked towards her with a serious look. "I really like Moose..." i looked back at Archie. "but he is not Archie." Before Betty could answer she got interrupted by the one and only Cheryl blossom. Her ginger long hair looking like a moving flame as she was standing in front of us.

"Greetings my dearest cousin." Then she looked towards me. "And her friend." Betty looked confused towards Cheryl. "What do you want?" She asked while crossing her arms. Cheryl smiled. "Glad you asked. This Saturday im hosting a party at my house with my dearest brother Jason , you are both welcome."

"Actually I can't come. I'm going on v-." I started but Cheryl interrupted me. "I don't care. My message is spread. Toodles!" She said and walked away towards some other students. I looked again towards Archie. Valerie had left and now he was talking with his best friend Reggie Mantle , the football captain.

I jumped when I suddenly felt my lips connect with someone else his lips but i soon realized that it was Moose. I kissed him back but I wasn't really into it.
"Hey babe." He smiled breaking the kiss. "Hi." I said and smiled my eyes went back to Archie and Reggie.

Archie was laughing while watching a video on Reggie his phone. His laugh was gorgeous. I wish that i could make him laugh like that. Sadly he doesn't even know that I exist. Im not popular , im just a regular boy.

"Are you even listening to me?" I heard Moose his voice annoyed. "Huh what?" I turend around and looked at him. Moose looked annoyed towards me. "You are looking at him again... Kevin i gave you so many changes , do you even like me?"

I grabbed Moose his hand. "I do ! I like you Moose." Moose looked into my eyes. He looked hurt. "But you like him more." I stayed silent. Moose wasn't wrong. And I don't want to lie in his face. Moose shook his head. "I knew it..."

"Moose." A tear rolled out of my eye. He let my hand fall. "It's over Kev..." he turned around and walked away. I just stared at his back as he walked away as a tear rolled out of my eye. Betty looked towards me. "What are you doing ? Go after him!" She said but i shook my head.

"Its better this way. He deserves someone better." Betty putted her hand on my shoulder. "Are you sure you are okay?" I nodded when the bell rang. They were free from school for two months. I greeted Betty and went home.


"I can't believe you didn't put your swimsuit in the suitcase Kevin!" My dad said walking inside my room while holding my swimsuit. "Im not going to swim." I said as i sat on my bed.

"We are going on vacation, what are you gonna do?" He opened my suitcase and putted my swimsuit in it. "Im not swimming in the sea. Do you know how many fishes pee in there?"

My dad sighed. "What if you meet a boy? And he wants to swim with you?" I lay with my back in my bed. "Im not meeting anyone because I can't fall in love. And I'll tell him I can't swim."

"Fine , we'll see about that son. I've had plenty summer loves when i was younger so never say never." He walked out of the room. "Go to sleep early. We need to wake up in four in the morning."

I sighed and nodded. The hours passed by fast and before i knew it i was at the riverdale airport getting inside Aegean airlines ready to go to Crete. I hated the smell of the airplane. When we took or seats i saw a ginger head sitting a little far away from us.

Imagine being in the same airplane as Archie Andrews. But no it can't be cause Archie always goes to Chicago in the summer to his mom. We were about two hours in the airplane already when the stewardesses started giving us food.

I looked with disgust and then towards my father. "What is this?" I asked as he started eating. "If you don't like it you can give it to me." My dad said. I happily gave him the rest of my food. I tried reading my book called 'History is all you left me' but i fell asleep for the rest of the flight and got lost in a land of dreams.

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