Chapter 28

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The days after New Year's Eve were pretty relaxed. You and Jensen spent those days tidying up the apartment, taking off all the Christmas decorations and planning just som little details for the wedding.

It was the weekend before the weekend where your wedding was gonna be and you were having your bachelorette party. You and Jensen were spending the week apart, you were staying at your apartment while Jensen was staying with Jared.

Currently you were getting ready for your party that Jo and your sister Nora had planned. You applied makeup and then your doorbell ringed. You opened the door and Jo and Nora came in, "Are you ready?!" Jo and Nora exclaimed. "Yes!" you exclaimed back.

Jo speeded into the kitchen and took out shot glasses out of your cupboard. She filled them with vodka, she brought with herself, and you all downed them fast. Your face squinch up from the alcohol.

You all finished the bottle real quick and made your way tipsy to the bar where you met the rest. Gen was joining too, but mostly because Jared begged for it to have an eye on you, she also wanted to join.

Monica, a friend from Nora, also joined you and Jo's sister Phoebe joined too. Just you six, but you liked it that way.

You were sitting at the bar and downing more shots, by then you were getting really drunk. "You having fun?" Gen asked. You laughed and nodded before you hugged her side, "Th-thank y-you f-for b-being here." you slurred.

Gen laughed at you because it was funny seeing you being drunk, she had never seen you like this before. Jo came with a tray of tequila shots, salt and lemons. She sat down next to you with a smirk and called the others to come over.

You put a bit salt on your hand before you took the shot glass into your hand and downed it. You quickly bit into the lemon and shook your head before you exclaimed in delight at having fun.


Jensen, Jared, Alex and some other friends of Jensen were walking around the streets and went into some bars, drinking and talking.

But then they walked into that bar where you were and he laughed to himself as he saw you dancing there and holding your drink in your hands.

All of you exclaiming things as he watched you and Gen can towards them, "What are you guys doing here?" Jared shrugged. "Didn't know you guys were here." he said with a smile. "We just were walking around some bars, this one will always be the best." Jensen said and Gen walked away a moment later.

A waiter came and gave them a bottle of whiskey they ordered and began to drink it, "So how is it to finally get married to Y/N?" Jared asked. "I'm lucky that she wants to marry me." Jared let out a small chuckle and took a sip of his drink, "Yeah you can be, it took you guys 10 years." Jensen looked a bit embarrassed at his drink, "Yeah but that's doesn't matter anymore."

"You're right. Weird she still doesn't notice us." "Guess she's too drunk to notice anything, I mean how she's dancing." Jensen laughed slightly and Jared joined him.

An hour later Jensen was drunk too, like completely drunk. He downed his drink, from the third bottle they opened, and walked towards you were you were dancing. He placed his hands on your hips and danced with you. You were swaying your hips and you didn't notice it was Jensen.

You turned around and smiled lazily at him, "Wh-what are you d-doing here?" you asked as you put your arms around his neck. "I-I do-don't know." he returned the lazy smile and leaned in giving you a messy kiss.

Nobody said anything, not even Gen, she thought there were couples out there who spent these days with their partners.


Your head was pounding as you woke up and you grimaced in pain. You felt something moving next to you and your eyes widen as you see a bare back. Omg omg no please not. You looked under the blanket and saw you were naked. Fuck. How am I gonna explain that to Jensen? He's gonna hate me. You face palmed yourself, you were panicking. My relationship is over.

Just as you wanted to get up, that person wrapped an arm around you and you were obviously overwhelmed with the situation. A few minutes later you got out of his grip and quickly put a shirt out of Jensen's wardrobe and took on a joggers of yours.

You quietly closed your bedroom door and went into the guest room where Jo was. You opened the door and saw her and Alex lying there. What was Alex doing there? You quickly exited the room as you noticed the were wearing nothing.

You ran into the living room and saw your sister alone and snoring. You knelt down next to her and shook her body, "Nora!" You whisper-yelled. She hummed with closed eyes and tried to push you away. You thought for a second and shrugged before you slapped her cheek.

She opened her eyes, "Ow!" she rubbed her cheek. "Sorry." you said. She looked at you and saw you were freaking out from the inside. She sat up, "What is wrong?" she asked as she placed a hand on your shoulder.

You rubbed your temples and felt tears welling up, "I had sex with someone who isn't Jensen." you said as you began to cry. You rested your head in her lap and sobbed into it. She brushed your hair behind your ear and chewed on her bottom lip, "I'm sorry." she whispered. "Should I check on that guy and kick him out?" you nodded against her lap and a moment later she got up.

You lied your head on the sofa and she went into your bedroom, she felt sorry for you but she also knew you didn't mean to. She quietly opened the door and saw the guy lying there with his back to the door. She walked around the bed and smiled brightly as she saw it was Jensen.

She fast exited the bedroom and almost ran back into the living room. She saw you sobbing into a pillow and knelt down next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. You looked up at her and didn't see a guy leaving. "Why isn't he leaving?" you sobbed. She brushed a strand behind your ear, "Because it's Jensen." she said with a small smile.

"Jensen?" you asked quietly and she nodded. You got back onto your feet and walked back into your bedroom. You lied down on your bed and turned him and it took a load off your mind as you saw it was Jensen. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled as he saw you.

But his expression turned into worry as he saw your red and puffy eyes, "What is wrong?" he asked as he cupped your cheek. "The moment I woke up, I just saw your back and my mind wasn't working enough so that I would recognise it. I thought I slept with someone else." you hid your face in your hands.

"Hey, there was no guy that danced with you, except me. So I don't think you would have ended in bed with someone else." he said calmly and kissed your cheek. He looked under the blanket and smirked at you, "Seems like we had fun last night." you playfully rolled your eyes and hit his chest.

"You're such a perv sometimes." you said laughing. He got up and took on his clothes. "I gotta leave now." he said and came towards you. "I see you at work, okay?" you nodded and gave you a long and loving kiss.

I love you, always did, always will (Jensen Ackles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now