Chapter 35

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This day you were 18 weeks pregnant and you were having your appointment. You hoped that you would finally see the sex of the baby. You and Jensen thankfully could leave work earlier that day and didn't have to drive to the doctor's right after work.

Since a week you had already cravings, one day you called a pizza service at 10pm and ordered yourself a big salami pizza although you just ate 2 hours ago. Jensen just looked at you, like you were some weirdo. But the baby was so hungry, you had to eat the pizza and you ate the pizza on your own.

You changed your clothes and walked out of the locker room. You met Jensen outside and smiled at him, he wrapped his arms around you, "We still have some time so if you want we could grab something to eat." he smiled. You looked at your watch, he was right you head plenty of time.

When you thought about food these days, you could have eaten everything. "Mhhh what about five guys? I'm in the mood for a burger or even two." you said shyly and Jensen chuckled kissing your head. "Five guys it is." he said and you two got into the car.

10 minutes later you arrived at the parking lot of five guys. You got out of the car with a huge smile on your face, food made you so happy theses days. Honestly, good food always made you happy.

You two entered five guys and you ordered for yourself two cheeseburgers, big portion of fries and a coke. Jensen ordered himself a hamburger, a small amount of fries and a coke as well.

After you had got your order, you and Jensen sat down at one of these tables and unwrapped the the burger. You felt like you were drooling as you saw the delicious burger. You bit into it and let out a quiet moan.

Jensen raised an eyebrow, "Wow, I feel offended that food makes you do noises I do in bed." he chuckled and you blushed, because you didn't notice your moan.

"I-I'm sorry." you said embarrassed and giggled softly. He chuckled and bit into his burger as well. You ate your burger and finished it a moment later, before you started your second one.

"You became a glutton." he said chuckling and you gave him a glare. You swallowed your bite, "Shut up, you made me pregnant. That's all your fault." you said seriously, but broke out laughing at him.

"This baby is hungry all the time, it's not my fault." you defended yourself and Jensen only chuckled.

You finished the second burger too and ate your fries, dipping them into ketchup and mayonnaise. A bit later you finished all your food and you were full. You sighed and rubbed your belly with your hand.

You looked at Jensen and saw him smiling at you and you felt like was watching you all the time. "What?" you asked shyly. He smiles at you, "It is so cute, how you rub your belly." he smiled softly and you smiled back.

You looked at your phone and saw 15 minutes left until your appointment. The doctor's office was just 5 to 10 minutes on foot away. "We better leave now." you said looking at your phone. He looked at his wrist watch.

"You're right." he smiled and you two stood up, leaving the restaurant. He intertwined his fingers with yours as you two made your way to the doctor's.

"What do you think it's gonna be?" he asked you for the 100th time and you always gave him the same answer. "I still think it's going to be a girl." you said placing a hand on your belly. "I think so too." You looked at him with an raised eyebrow. "You do?" you asked not believing him.

"Yes, the last few days I fantasised about a little girl. She would be my little princess." he said sweetly and you looked lovingly at him. "Aww, this sounds adorable." you smiled at him.

You approached the doctor's about 5 minutes later and entered the office. You didn't have to wait long and you were asked into the treatment room. You entered the room and took off your jacket before you lied down on the divan bed.

I love you, always did, always will (Jensen Ackles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now