New Year's Special 2019 (2020?) | What Matters?

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Request: I was thinking about Once Bitten, Twice Shy, and maybe the venom never truly went away for good. So maybe Jay starts turning into a snake again, and Nya's there to help him.

From: @C0PYCAT68


Nya was excited. And it was tough to get her excited, considering all the things that she had seen. It was December 31, the last day of the year. Every year, the Ninja went to Master Chen's Noodle House for dinner, and then headed to Ninjago Square to watch the fireworks and the Tornado Drop, which was a glass sculpture of a Spinjitzu tornado. But this year, she and Jay were instead going to Ed and Edna's for dinner (Jay was very specific that she needed to try his mom's crumb cake) and to watch the fireworks (Jay claimed that the junkyard had the best view in all of Ninjago City).

She was trying to decide what to wear when her phone buzzed. She checked to see who it was, and saw that it was a voicemail from Jay.

Hey, Nya. Umm, I'm sssoooo ssorry about this, but I need to cancel our plansss for tonight. You go and head out with the other guysss, but I can't come. Sssorry again, and bye.

That was all the message said. No reason why, nothing.

Now Nya was confused. Jay had been raving about how excited he was to spend the night together all week, and now he wanted to bail? She knew that something was going on, so she headed to Jay's room to see if she could get more answers.

-----Le Awesome Time Skip-----

Some time later, Nya stood in front of Jay's bedroom. "Hello?" she called as she knocked on the door. A minute went by "Jay? Are you in there?" she asked again.

"No one'sss in here!" A voice hissed back.

"Jay? Is that you?" Nya asked, surprised. That didn't sound like Jay!

"No one'sss in here!" The voice repeated back insistently.

"Jay, open the door." Nya huffed impatiently, not up for Jay's tricks. But when nothing happened, she became wary. What is going on?

Jay! Open the door." She demanded, getting worried. Was everything okay?

Finally, the door opened a crack, and a bright blue eye peeked out.

"Heeeeey, Nya..." Jay said with a nervous chuckle. "What'sss up?"

"I should ask you the same thing! Why did you cancel?" Nya asked furious at her boyfriend for making her worry.

"I- ummmm- I- I don't feel good! Yeah that's it. I've been feeling really horrible since this morning, and I had...a headache...and a...fever?" He ended slightly confused, like he didn't know what he was feeling.

"Well, if you let me come in, I can-" Nya started to offer, but Jay cut her off.

"NO! Um, I mean, no need to come in here! Everything'sss all good! Nothing weird like my ssskin turning into sssscaless or anything!" He nervously said.

Unfortunately for Jay, the two of them had been together long enough that Jay was lying. And it only took about a minute of Nya giving him "The Look" before he finally cracked.

"Alright, alright! I'll tell you! Just please stop with The Look!" He begged.

"Open the door." Nya demanded.

"Fine." Jay muttered under his breath as he slowly swung the door open.

The sight in front of Nya's eyes shocked her.

Green scales rippled down from Jay's face and ended at a tail. It lay two feel behind him, and had unfortunately torn a hole in his favorite joggers. His pupils were slits, (I kinda feel like I'm describing Voldemort lol) and he looked a little more like a snake than Nya liked.

"What?" She muttered confused.

"Do I repulse you? I probably do. Of course you do Jay, you're a freaking snake! Ugh, I'm sorry Nya, I'm so stupid. I go away no-" He started to close the door without even letting Nya speak, but she caught the door and interrupted him.

"JAY! Stop panicking! No, you don't repulse me, it's just a little surprising to see your boyfriend suddenly a snake!" She took a deep breath. "Okay, now how about we sit down and talk about what the HECK is going on?"

Jay chuckled sheepishly. "Hehe, yeah, that'sss a good idea..." he trailed off as they walked inside and sat down on his bed.

"Okay. So let's start with how...this happened?" Nya spoke as the gestured towards Jay. He sighed dejectedly.

"I don't know. I think the Fangpyre venom from when I pricked myself on that skeleton is making another big debut- although I wish it had chosen another time. It happened before our date last time too!" He grumbled, frustrated.

"And that brings me to my second question: why did you cancel?"Nya questioned.

Jay blinked at her. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that you didn't need to cancel our plans for this, we could have gone anyway! I mean, your parents wouldn't mind, and I couldn't care any less about how you look! We-"

"Wait a second." Jay cut Nya off. "You don't care how I look? It really doesn't matter to you?"

Now it was Nya's turn to be confused. "What do you mean? Of course it doesn't matter! I like you for the person you are on the inside. The way you look couldn't matter less to me," she said quietly. They sat there in silence for a minute until Jay spoke up.

"I'm sorry for canceling, Nya."

"Hey, it's fine! At least we're not too late, we can still make it if we hurry!" Nya replied. They both stood up.

"But don't you ever think that I won't be with you because of the way you look." She said as she looked into Jay's eyes and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

Immediately after, he started to glow, and all the snake parts started to disappear. The tail, scales, and spiked tongue all vanished in the blink of an eye.

"Woah! What happened?" Jay gasped incredulously.

"Oh! Remember what happened last time you got turned into a snake? That time, what changed you back was the increase in your heart rate when I kissed your cheek, right? That must have happened again!" Nya responded, surprised.

"Hey, why are you so excited? I thought looks didn't matter!" Jay joked.

"Yeah, and I thought a kiss on the cheek wouldn't have the same effect after all this time," she giggled back as they walked out, hand in hand to enjoy the New Year


Oh FSM this was soooooooo late!! I'm very, very sorry!!! You can pelt me with rotten tomatoes if you wish, I deserve it!

*braces for le tomatoes*

I really tried to finish this earlier, but... life, ya know? Again, I'm VERY sorry for how late this was! (Kinda fits though since Chinese New Year is the 26th [It's the 25th when I'm publishing this] and Ninjago is kinda sorta ish Chinese?)

Anyway, enough about me. How are you guys? Has the new year been good to you so far?

Well, this is waaay too late, but happy new year, and à bientôt!


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