Meant to be yours

889 14 15

Heathers fans better buckle the fuck up//

Y/N's POV—

I sat on the couch  scrolling through (Preferred Social Media) humming a song from Heathers. Just then, Alex walked into the room. I looked up and smiled at him then bringing my attention back to my phone and continued humming.

Alex walked over and sat next to me. I could see outta the corner of my eye that Alex was sort of giving me a confused look. I turned off my phone and put it down beside me, looking back at Alex.

"What were you humming?" He asked. I gasped and gave him back an almost confused look.

"C'mon Alex.." I said. "Meant To Be Yours? Heathers? Hello?"

He chuckled. "I don't know that much about it okay!" He said putting his hands up in defense. "I thought you knew that."

I chuckled too. "Well I have some homework for you, sir. Listen to the heathers soundtrack."

He tilted his head a little. "Trust me!" I said. "When have I ever steered you wrong?" I asked.

"Well there was that one Time-"

I cut him off. "Okay fine, but I learned my lesson from that! Besides, listening to a good Musical can't go that wrong now can it?"

Alex shrugged. "Yeah I guess you'd be right, there. It's never failed me." He said.

I chuckled and hugged him gently. "There ya go." I said quietly, pulling away. "Well I've gotta go meet up with B/F/F/N, I'll be back before 6." I said getting up to leave but then he pulled me back down onto him.

"Aren't you gonna say bye?" He asked.

I chuckled and kissed him softly. "Bye Alex."

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