{Guzma} Coming Home

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It's been a few years since you've lived in Alola and became champion. You were waiting for the day another prodigy child came to claim your title. You were currently flying/boating home from visiting your family in Kanto. You told a certain former skull member when you would be back and he was ecstatic for your return.

After a few hours, you finally made it to your destination. As you were getting off with your luggage, you were instantly pulled into a hug. You squeaked as he picked you up but hugged back none the less. A giggle sounded from you as he put you down but still held you close.

"I'm so glad your back babe! I missed you." He said, saying the last part gently. "I missed you too. How was it here without me?" You asked, pulling away slightly to look at him. "It's been OK, would have been better if ya weren't gone but..." You smiled more and kissed his cheek. "Let's head back to the house. I'm pretty tired and would like some alone time with my favorite person." Guzma smiled and agreed instantly, helping with your bags.


The walk home was fairly long but it meant you two would get some time without being bothered. Once you entered your cozy home, he told you to go put your bags down cause he had a surprise for you. You went to your room and left the bigger bags on the floor while your smaller one was put on the bed.

He quietly opened the door while you were lost in your thoughts. Guzma scared you once he covered your eyes. "What's up babe?" You asked him, letting go of your bag. "The surprise remember? It's something you've wanted for a while now." He mumbled. You smiled and gently grabbed his wrist. "OK, then let me cover my own eyes and you lead me." He chuckles and removes his hand, but holds onto the one that held his wrist, effectively spinning you around. "Nah nah, you don't need to do that. Is right here." He said as you looked at his hand, moving from behind his back.

There was a great ball in his hand and you were confused. "A great ball?" He shakes his head and holds it out you. "Here. See what's inside." You were confused. You released the pokemon from its ball and gasped. "No I... I can't Guzma..." The little Axew was confused as it looked up to your teary eyes. It instantly went to comfort you which caused you to cry a little.

You gently picked it up and hugged it and it snuggled into you, making your heart melt. You looked up to your boyfriend and he was smiling widely at you with a soft blush. "Look. I know you've been wanting one ever since you saw it on the internet, and every time you went to catch one, if you could find one, it would run. I went through a lot of trouble to get it with trading and such. They said you could name him." You set the little dragon type down on the bed and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you..." He hugs you tight and rubs your back gently. "No problem baby." The Axew decided to make itself comfortable on the pile of pillows. "Oh! We should introduce him to our signature pokemon." You said pulling away from Guzma. "Maybe. I know your (3StgSrt/Sig.Pkmn) can be kinda scary at times. And you know Golisopod might get scared of the little guy." He said with a laugh after. You laughed as well. "We'll only know till we try."

And try you did. Axew, who you named (N/N), warmed up to your (Pkmn) quickly, and they, surprisingly, accepted him pretty quickly as well. Golisopod however, was scared of the little guy at first but was coaxed by Guzma to give him a chance. Golisopod warmed up to (N/N) eventually and that made you happy.

After a while, the two of you put your pokemon back in their pokeballs and left them in the room with the rest of your teams.

"Let's go to bed. It's getting late and I'm exhausted." You claimed with a yawn. He smiled and swept you off your feet, causing you to grab onto his neck for dear life. "Curse you and your hidden hight." You mumbled, hiding your face. He chuckled and kissed your head as you two went to your shared bedroom. Guzma set you down and started to undress. Ever since he started staying with you, he stripped for bed which at first made you blush. It still does but your much more used to it now.

You set your bag on the floor and stripped as well, at least until you had your boxers and a tank top on. He laid down with you and pulled the blankets up. You cuddled close to him and he pulled you into a kiss. A shiver ran down your spine as he slipped you tongue, which you hesitantly accepted. He tangled your legs together and you pulled away with half lidded eyes. "I really missed you babe." You said, smiling and gently rest your head on his chest.

"I really, really missed you too."


I know this one is p short too and sorry if you dont like Axew but its my favorite dragon type so-

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