{Raihan} Boyfriends (Pt. 1?)

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Its been a day or so since the championship tournament and you may not have won but found yourself having a fair amount of fans after getting so close to becoming champion. Raihan had talked to you after your fight with him in the semi-finals and he has asked you to go out some time. The two of you have known each other for a while, about 3 or so months before the latest championship match. You finally got the courage to message him and take him up on his offer since you had "denied" at first.

The two of you met at a small cafe in Hammerlocke. And he was very happy to see you again. "Hey (Y/N), how have you been?" He asked casually with a smile. You smiled and looked up to him, "Pretty good. Still kind of shook up about losing but there's always next time." You said with a small laugh as you rubbed the back of your neck. Raihan smirked and put his arm around your shoulder after you put your arm down.

"Let's go inside and let me help take your mind off things."

His actions and words made you blush slightly but you walked in with him none the less. He sat you down at a table and sat across from you. The waitress came over to take your orders, she was clearly interested in Raihan and made that no secret. "Hey Raihan, what would you like?" He played along but in a way neither of you expected. "Well.. I don't think what I would like is on the menu." He said looking up to her.

"Oh, and what would that be?" She said leaning in a little. He looks over to you and says, "Him." You blushed hard and covered your mouth with the back of your hand while glancing away. Raihan looked back to her and said, "Two teas with lemon and a small cake to share." His signature smirk showed of his fairly prominent canines. You looked over to him then to the waitress who seemed heartbroken. You felt kind of bad but not.

When she walked away you softly asked, "D-did you mean that?" He was already staring at you when he nodded. You rested your cheek on the base of your palm as you looked out the window. "I wish I was as confident as you." You mumbled. He grabbed your free hand and played with your fingers, clearly showing his interest in you. "Some of its for show but thanks." He said flipping your hand over.

You watched as he traced small circles on the palm of your hand, giving you goose bumps on your lower arm. "Was there something you wanted to talk about?" You asked looking up to his eyes. He kept playing with your hand before responding, "I was wondering if you'd wanna be my boyfriend? Fell for you when you first came to Hammerlocke."

Raihan looked up to you as a blush crossed your face once again. You looked away and tought about your answer. He took your silence as a no and pulled his hands away from yours. You panicked and grabbed his hands with both of yours. He seemed surprised as well, thinking you didn't like him. "Sorry, I've just never been asked out before so it came as a shock to me.. Plus I, um, didn't think you were into guys." You said, mumbling the last part as you pulled one of your hands away.

He smiled and did the nose exhale laugh thing while intertwining your fingers. "I feel like no one does." He said, looking at your lips, which of course you didn't notice. A different waitress set your teas down and walked off. Raihan, somewhat hesitantly, removed his hand from yours to add what he liked to his tea. You followed suit and took note of what he put in his. He seemed to do the same as you both looked you each other at the same time, causing you two to let out a small laugh.

Raihan took a sip from his to make sure it tasted right and you waited to do the same since it was still pretty hot to you. His foot tapped yours slightly causing you to jump a little. "Ah sorry, was that your shoe?" You nodded and he grabbed your non tea drinking hand. "After we eat do you wanna go back to my place?"

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