{Hop} 🍋 A break for the Professor

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You and Hop were rather close and you followed along side him in his journey to become a Poke Professor like Sonia. She taught him well seeing as he became one with her.

This week has been a particularly rough week. You were constantly battling dynamaxed pokemon all over Galar. Hop and Sonia did figure out what was causing it again and the three of you fixed it so Leon didn't have to worry. Right now, you and Hop were walking back to your house since it was considerably closer than his. You unlocked the door and let him in first so you could close and relock it. Both of you took off your shoes before walking further into the house.

Hop flopped face first onto the couch and let out a loud, yet relaxed, sigh. "Man (Y/N), your couch is real comfy." He said, hugging one of the small pillows. "The bed is much nicer. Feel free to find your way there too." You said with a small laugh. He watched as you made your way to the kitchen. "Im gonna grab something to eat before going to bed. You can do, whatever I guess." You said with a small laugh.

Hop rolled off the couch, a loud thud following. You peaked back to see what happened only to see him getting off the floor. He smiled and walked off to the bedroom. Hop was going to sleep in the guest bedroom but his tired brain took him to yours.

After you finished your little snack, you let your pokemon rest in a nice warm healing pad before making your way to your room. You noticed the door was open but thought nothing of it until you stepped into the room. Hop looked up to you with sweet eyes and a smile. "Come to sleep with me?" He asked with a soft tone. "Hop your in my bed."

He finally processed, "Oh, haha, I guess I am." He said rolling onto his back. Hop scooted over and pat the spot next to him. "We can share and plus, your bed really is comfier than the couch." He said, causing you to blush. You didn't move so Hop got up and pulled you into a hug, causing you to blush more. His hand roamed down to your behind and he pushed your hips together. You shivered and held onto him.

Hop pulled you onto the bed and hovered over you. His eyes locked with yours before they looked down to your lips. "Are you OK with this?" He asked, looking back to your eyes. You nodded and hugged him. He leaned down and locked his lips with yours. You twitched slightly and closed your eyes as you kissed back. Hops hand found its way up your shirt to play with your nipples. He pulled away and took off your shirt.

A gasp escaped your lips as he made kisses all along your chest and neck. He gently sucked on one spot that caused you to moan gently. Hops body reacted and you could feel his little friend get bigger. He moved down to your chest and sucked on your nipples for a short while before moving down lower. You watched as he looked up to you before unbuttoning your pants and pulling them down.

Hop sat up and pulled off his shirt, thankfully he had already removed his coat. He grabbed your hands and placed them on his stomach. He has fairly nice abs for the kind of work he does. You hands roamed his exposed body. He shivered as you played with his chest as well. "You're really sexy laying under me like this." He said gently, grabbing one of your hands. You stayed silent and watched as he kissed your palm and licked your fingers. He pushed your other hand to help him remove his pants.

You did so and he slipped his boxers down, showing off his decent sized dick. He let go of your hands and removed the rest of his clothes and gently removed your pants and boxers. Your slightly bigger friend sprung out, eager to be touched. Hop blushed and looked from your dick to your eyes. He moved down and kissed the tip, causing you to twitch. You watched as he started to suck you off. His hands held your hips while his actions made your toes curl and soft moans and gasps slip from your lips. Your head went back slightly as your hands gripped his hair, pulling it slightly. He moaned around you and you came in his mouth with a soundless moan.

He pulled away and swallowed while he looked up to your eyes, both sets were covered by lust. Hop shifted up and grabbed your hand again. Neither of you said anything as he sucked on your fingers. Before you knew it, he was pushing your wet fingers into his hole. Hop moaned slightly and leaned forward as you fingered him. Once he felt like he was stretched enough, he removed your hand and positioned himself over your dick.

Hop slowly lowered himself onto you and shivered as he did. You watched with half lidded eyes, panting slightly at this new, yet amazing feeling. "Wow Hop... I-I didn't thi-think you would.. Do this..." You said while grabbing his hips. He smiled and put his hands on your chest as he leaned down, pulling you out of him slightly, exposing both of you to the chilly air. "Well, I... L-love you. I have for a-a while. Ah~" He moaned softly as you leaned up and bit his neck.

"I.. Love you too.." You said while pulling away. The two of you locked eyes as he dropped back down on you. He moaned and closed his eyes, his hands gripped your pecks slightly. You moaned at the pleasure he gave you. He continued to bounce on you, gripping tighter every time he went down. "Hop.. I-I'm close..." You said, moaning as you gripped his hips and pushed him down. His head fell back as you hit that sweet spot.

"Th-there please! Again!" He moaned as you repeated your actions. Hop took one of your hands and placed it on his shaft, effectively coaxing you to jerk him off. His actions froze as he slammed down onto you. He came on your chest and you came for a second time. "Thank you.." Hop mumbled out as he leaned down to kiss you. You pulled out while the two of you kissed and he shivered. "Do you want to clean.. Up or?" You asked, laying him on the bed as the two of you pulled away.

He didn't answer as he had passed out when he hit the soft bed and pillows. You kissed his head and got up to clean yourself off and brought a wet towel to clean what you could of him. He was sound asleep as you cleaned him, kissing his cheek softly. Once you put the towel in the hamper, you turned off the light and cuddled closer to him in bed.

"Love you Hop... Sleep well." You whispered to him as you fell asleep next to him.

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