Chapter 4: She Fucking Did It

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It began with a single shot, then two more, then she pulled the trigger and I felt the bullet dig itself into my arm.

I let out a small grunt of pain.

Her friend was passed out on the floor, the brunette shaggy haired guy was hung in my trap by his ankles with blood dripping from his head and the handsome fellow with the dark hair was pinning Annie to the floor.

I watched her stare at me with her bleeding nose and her heavy breathing. "It's over Lana." Dayna said tired and trying to hide her exhaustion. She had a nice voice, "You sing don't you?" I asked catching my own breath as we stood on the roof of this building.

I'm not sure how we got up here, we ran up the building steps and wounded up here with the assasin gang my father hired chasing our asses.

Giving Dayna a long stare, I watched her give me a scowl, "None of your fucking business." She said.

God she's so pissy, I eyed Annie and watched her continue to fight back.

I'm sorry Annie.

Taking a deep breath, I listened for it, the sound of its heavy engine, twelve, eleven, ten, nine....

The sun beamed down on us, hot and clear.

Dayna pulled the trigger again, I dodged it, then the next five after before she shoved me to the floor and gripped my throat, shoving the gun to my head.

I slugged her hard in the side and she fell over taken by surprise, I stood and gave her a few kicks before gripping her hair and leaning into her ear as I quickly stole her gun, "Your weakness grows with your attachments. Want to be stronger? Lose your ties." I said softly as I watched her team.

She breathed heavy and hateful.

I aimed the gun under her chin and smiled softly, "I don't want to hurt you, I like when the young aspire to be great. Keep being great but you'll need to be alive for it, stay away." I said warningly before shooting her thigh and sprinting for the edge of the building.

Jumping, I hung in the air a minute before landing into the truck of rocks and dirt.

I looked up at the roof and felt sadness for having left Annie and that kid.

I'm sorry but...I can't be taken in yet, not till I kill my father.

Not until I kill that mother fucker who ruined my life.

Letting out a shaky breath, I sighed and heard a thud. Staring behind me, I noticed the girl on the top of a semi truck.

I'm not sure why, but I felt pride.

She fucking did it, she jumped.

I laughed low and shook my head eyeing the guy with his car as he undid the pump for gas.
He put the cap on and I leaned off the truck and sprinted to his car, sliding in and shutting the door speeding off with his car.

I'd gotten a bit far before a car slammed into the side of mine and I blacked out, then I was dragged into a car and shoved in the back.

We drove for a while and when I opened my eyes, I noticed the girl with her eyes fuming, one a deep green, the other a vibrant blue, "I hate you, have I mentioned that?" She asked frustrated.

I laughed a bit, "You've got balls." I said moving to the passenger seat and watching her scold me.

She shook her head, "Do you understand how hard you are to catch? It's absolutely infuriating. Lana Panthayr you're the pain in my ass." She said scowling.

I gave her a side-eye, "Don't, it's just Lana." I said annoyed with her.

Her smirk grew, "Hate daddy's name?" She asked cocking an eyebrow.

Alright, she's pissed me off enough, I stared out the window and noticed we were somewhere in the desert. 

The sun shining on the cacti and the bushes, "I'm really sorry for this, you seem like you could be a decent person. Eventually." I said before reaching over her and opening the door before I gave her a hard shove and watched her fly out the car.

She rolled and fell to the dirt shouting as I jumped in the drivers seat and sped off.

Sorry bitch, you pissed off the wrong girl though.

I eyed the phone in the passenger seat as it lit up with 'Lincoln' on it.

Answering it, I placed it to my ear and waited, "Dayna, we got Annie locked up, you get Lana yet?" He asked.

I smirked, "She's in the desert, better get her before she dies of thirst. Tell Annie I'm sorry." I said before tossing the phone out the window and speeding for the next state.

I'm sorry Annie.

And Dayna.

Okay maybe not Dayna, she got what she deserved.

I just need to find Michael, once I find him, I can get all this sorted and my new life will fall into place.


God I hope so.

Katie's POV:

Ace ran his hand over his head and sighed, "Babe we've checked them all, she's not in any of these hotels." He said sounding very tired.

I gave a nod, "Yeah, I don't think they rested this time." I replied eyeing the map and noticing there's only a desert beyond this town.

He gave it a curious stare, "Should we go?" He asked eyeing the desert.

It's the only place she would've gone, she never back tracks, only moves forward.

I gave a nod and listened as the police radio called in a car jacking and then a car crashing into another.

He explained that a witness said a girl was dragged from the car by another girl and placed into a car heading toward the desert.

"Found them." He said getting in the cop car as I jumped in the passenger side with him speeding us there.

We're close, let's hope we don't cross paths with anyone else after her.

She's made a lot of enemies and has a huge bounty on her head, anyone dying to make money is after her.

I don't think she's as bad as everyone makes her out to be though, we've come head to head with them many times and Lana never kills us.

Every time, she spares us.

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