Chapter I Childhood Friend Move Away 1972

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Elisabetta Letcher and Seth Thorndlike first met as children when they were 8 years old. They became fast friends when his family first moved to the town of Hamilton in Boston, where her family owned the town's shipping company. His dad had taken a job on one of the many ships the company owned. It was when the school year was starting that Seth and Elisabetta met on the first day of the third grade, as they had been assigned the same teacher, Mrs. Stacy. As the school year progressed, Seth had trouble with school assignments, so Elisabetta, who was good at it, offered to study with him every day to help him improve. One day, when they were studying after school at the town's library, named Cedar after the man who built it Seth said to Elisabetta.

"Thank you for helping me for the past few months with homework Elisabetta, you are such a great friend,'' Seth says

"No problem, Seth; I am always willing to help a friend who needs it," Elisabetta replies

After each study session, Seth's grades in school started to improve slowly. Seth and Elisabetta then made the study sessions a tradition for the remaining school year and for the next three years after that, as they continued to go up in the same class year, after year.

it was one day during their sixth-grade year that Seth found out his dad had let go from his job, had gotten another job in another country, and that they would have to move. The next day, Seth went to school and told Elisabetta what was going on after she noticed something was making him feel down all through the school day. it was when they were walking home after school that Seth said.

"Elisabetta, last night I found out that my family will be moving at the end of the school year to another country," Seth says

"I am sorry, Seth. I will miss you so much, but you will try to stay connected with me, won't you" Elisabetta responds

" Of course. I will try Elisabetta; we are friends all." Seth responds

after Seth tells Elisabetta his news, they spend the rest of the school year hanging out and spending as much time with each other as possible before he moves away as the school year comes to an end, the day before Seth leaves to move with his family Seth and Elisabetta have one last conversation as friends, and they make this promise to each other

"I hope in a few years your dream of going to teaching college will come to true, Elisabetta'' Seth says

"And I hope you make your dream of becoming a police officer come true as well." Elisabetta responds, "Thank you, Seth; I hope so too." Elisabetta continues, "I love helping others understand assignments" She continues

They spend the rest of the day just talking and enjoying the time they have before leaving forever with his family for their new home in Canada. The year was 1972. He was sad to be leaving, but he had no choice but to go, as he was still underage and living at home. Seth made a vow to The warm summer sun cast a golden glow over Elisabetta and Seth as they sat on the grassy hill overlooking the town of Hamilton. They laughed and chatted, savoring the final moments they had together before Seth's imminent departure. The air was filled with a mix of sadness and anticipation.

Elisabetta traced her finger through the soft blades of grass, her mind filled with memories of their years of friendship. Seth had become an irreplaceable part of her life, and the thought of him being miles away tugged at her heart.

And one day, maybe we'll see each other again."

and our dreams may come true too. Maybe our paths will cross again someday."

They smiled at each other, finding solace in their shared dreams and aspirations. The time they seemed to slow down as they soaked in every last second of their precious time together.

As the sun began its descent behind the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, Elisabetta couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. This was it—their final goodbye.

Seth stood up, brushing the grass off his jeans. "Well, I guess it's time for me to go."

Elisabetta nodded, fighting back tears. "Take care of yourself, Seth. Don't forget about me."

Seth reached out and gently squeezed her hand, pulling her up and into a tight hug. "Never, Elisabetta. You'll always be in my heart."

With a heavy heart, Elisabetta watched as Seth walked away, disappearing into the horizon. She knew this wasn't the end of their story, but merely a chapter that had come to a close.

As she made her way home, the memories of their time together echoed in her mind. And in her heart, she held onto the hope that one day, they would be reunited and their friendship would continue to flourish. And if it were meant to be, he would reunite with Elisabetta one day he hoped.

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