Chapter VII

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a month later, after Christmas and New Year, had come and gone it was January 1985

there's a triumph in the anvil's stroke there's merit in the brave and strong who dig the mine or fell the oak Gawain said

that's very nice, Gawain Elisabetta said

sometime later

I was just at the mercantile, and Neil Yeoman asked if I wouldn't mind dropping this off to you Seth said

that's very kind of you. Thank you, you didn't have to go to that trouble Elisabetta said

no trouble Seth said

I do hope it's what I think it is the compendium of brain disorders and neurology and the list goes no Elisabetta said

well, I can't say I got a word of that Seth said

this just couldn't have come at a better time I called one of my old professors, dr. him Sherwood, about one of my students he's done work with children with reading troubles that is absolutely revolutionary I thought he had forgotten all about me Elisabetta said

you're not an easy person to forget Seth said

Thank you. I thank Seth, I... I feel really bad about everything that happened, you know, with Bilal Elisabetta said

no, you don't have any reason to feel bad. Bilal was a con artist. He was a professional manipulator. Seth said

That's true, and he duped me but I finally saw through his charade. Elisabetta said

I don't want you to blame yourself for falling under his spell Seth said

well, I didn't exactly fall under his spell Elisabetta said

now, what I meant was he fooled you. I'm not saying that you're a fool, exactly Seth said

then what are you saying? Exactly Elisabetta said

I'm just saying that women of a certain age are an easy mark Seth said

now you're calling me desperate. Elisabetta said

what no Seth said

I would really love to sit and chat about my many weaknesses but as you can see I have quite a lot of work to do Elisabetta said

I'm just trying to help you I'm just trying to speak to you as a friend Seth said

Thank you for bringing the package I hope you have a wonderful day Elisabetta said

Sometimes late

He is absolutely impertinent I mean yes he saw through that con artist first and yes I was fooled by him for a while but...Elisabetta said

Elisabetta Maybe it's not Seth you're mad at maybe your pride is a bit bruised you have every reason to be angry at the situation Abby said

I'm not angry Elisabetta said

Clearly, Abby said

Seth seems to take pleasure in reminding me how insane I was he even implied that I was so desperate to find a husband that I couldn't think straight this is amazing if I keep living here I'm going to bust out of my clothes altogether Elisabetta said

My grandma's recipe Abby said

He's made it perfectly clear that as an officer he's not interested in committing to a woman so I don't understand why he's taken such an interest in my love life these are heavenly Elisabetta said

Have another Abby said

Mmm I couldn't maybe just one more you know Abby my family has employed some of the best chefs from some of the finest culinary schools and your score and pies are lighter and tastier than any I ever had at home Elisabetta said

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