Chapter V

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Heathen Elisabetta said one Sunday morning

What do you mean? Seth said

You're late. That only heathens arrive late to church services Elisabetta said

Uncouth. As Seth put it

Is that me? Uncouth? Elisabetta said

It is only the uncouth who whisper during a sermon. Seth said

A short while later

Why does the company feel the need to send its spies even to a Sunday school? Elisabetta said

Because, clearly, some people in this town don't trust each other. It's my job to find out why Seth said

The next day

You're going to get trampled. Come on up here. Good dog. Seth said

This is a Latin phrase: "UT hora fugit vita." Hora, does that sound like an English word? It means "hour." "Ut hora fugit vita." As an hour life flies. Our lives are made Elisabetta said

Later that morning

Well, look who's here If you're moving in, you're going to need a name. I'm calling you Rip, as in Rip Van Winkle. Seth said

Excuse me, might I have a moment of your time? a preacher said

Of course, Seth said

I was happy to see this hat ride into town. a preacher said

I hope you haven't been too disappointed in the head under it. Seth said

I trust I won't be; like the official lawman in town, there is an unresolved case that requires your attention. An arson case. Someone burned down my church twelve weeks ago. a preacher said

That's a pretty serious charge. And what makes you think it was arson, not just an accident? Seth said

It was too coincidental. On the same night, as we held a vigil for forty-seven deceased miners, my church burned. a preacher said

Well, I understand you questioning coincidence, but I don't understand the motive. Seth said

My position here at Valley Spring has always been delicate. I have always tended to the spiritual needs of the people, but... something changed. A preacher said

After the mine explosion. Seth said

People stopped seeing me as a man of God and started only seeing me as a company man. Pacific North-West Mining funds my salary. a preacher said

Maybe they don't like praying at an altar paid for by the coal company. But why burn down the church? Seth said

People were sad and angry. They lashed out at the company and at God. In both cases, their anger was misplaced and fueled by Caitlin Montfort and her preaching. a preacher said

Do you think Caitlin Montfort somehow burned down the church? said Seth

Oh, I am not making any accusations, but I do know my church burned. The Pinkerton men were unable to find out how the fire started, and ever since then, Mrs. Montfort has enjoyed, shall we say a larger audience? I am asking you to investigate. That is the duty your uniform represents. a preacher said

I'll have a look around the burn site. Seth said

Thank you, I would appreciate at least finding out what. Mrs. Montfort knows. I am not a vindictive man, but everyone deserves justice. Even a preacher. a preacher said

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