𝖝𝖛𝖎. Better and Better

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◤ 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖎𝖝𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓: ❛ better and
better ❜ ◢

          MARISOL, IN HER TIME, HAD LIVED IN SOME SPECTACULAR HOUSES. One of the perks of having a vampire nephew who traveled with her most everywhere was that he could compel a nice, wealthy house for them to stay in rent free. They had many glorious homes over the years, charming the town and hosting parties, being generally good neighbors until eventually they grew bored of the place or it had been a decade and they couldn't stay anymore.

After a decade, people began to question why the two never seemed to age, looking just as they had when they arrived in town and took residence, so they caped their residencies to nine years and then left in search for a new home. While it was sad that nothing was permanent in their lives except each other, with nowhere to truly call home but only their new destination, they also got to explore the world like no one else because they were forced out and away from everything they had known.

They could not take a permanent residence anywhere, could not stay for years and grow old in a place, so they traveled far and wide and to many places – young and old – and experienced things like no human. It was painful sometimes to leave, when they became close with a particular person or scenery, but they could find those connections again, so was it really a loss?

And because of their travels, Marisol and Magnus had been owners of many beautiful and lavish places, but the old governor of New Orleans home that Marisol currently resided in was truly a wonder. Because not only did it have that old charm, it had so many hidden passages to explore whenever she got bored. And, it was rent free, which was always a bonus.

But Marisol was enthralled with everything New Orleans. It was a city that never slept, but it wasn't so big and overwhelming like New York, and it had a great supernatural population. So many witches to befriend and get help from, at least in the past. God, she remembered her time here in the twenties, when witches weren't oppressed by Marcel yet and still used their magic. It was truly a time to be alive and be in New Orleans.

Though, she would admit that she hadn't seen the city since the twenties before her return in the twenty-first century. There were so many other places to visit before returning here, and Magnus had never been a large fan of the place, so when she was with him she never brought it up. Magnus never liked jazz and that was what ruled New Orleans, so he never wanted to stay and when she was with him, Marisol never wanted to say goodbye to him. So, she stayed away, until she found herself back now, regretting that she hadn't visited earlier because the charm of the French Quarter had only grown as years passed.

She would admit that living in the beautiful home with the Mikaelsons was not ideal. Nothing about her current predicament with Klaus was ideal because she was betraying a friend, and that was never a fun time. She didn't have many friends, especially not in the twenty-first century, so betraying one of the only ones she had was not something that she wanted to do at all, but that was just how fate was having it. And, God, wasn't fate a cruel mistress.

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