𝖛. Out of Sight, Out of Mind

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◤ 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖎𝖛𝖊: ❛ out of sight, out of mind ❜ ◢

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◤ 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖎𝖛𝖊: ❛ out of sight, out of mind ❜ ◢

         HER BONES ACHED AS HER HANDS TOUCHED THE DIRT BENEATH HER, GROANING AS SHE USED HER STRENGTH TO PUSH HERESLF UP. She looked at her surroundings, seeing the forest around her and the dirt covering her body from where she had laid upon it after her transformation, knocked unconscious as to recover from the turmoil it caused her body. It was early morning by the looks of the sky and she ached even more to think of how she would have to move around and work the whole day instead of resting in bed, which she wanted to after the painful night.

She stood up, leaning against a try as she began to lose her balance again. Her muscles burned as she moved to find her clothes which she hid under a tree the night before when she was just about to rip them off herself as the beast came alive inside her, transforming her into something hideous with no emotion and no regard for any lifeform it saw.

She didn't see any blood on her fingers or flesh underneath her fingernail, and there was no taste of iron in her mouth, which was a good sign so far that no one had come upon her during the night and didn't live to tell the tale. Moving around searching, she finally reached a clearing – the one she had started at the night before – and reached the tree which held her clothes for her to cover her crimes of the night.

As she looked to the clearing again, the waving grass with small flowers was not bright and beautiful, singing pure songs to the heavens, but splattered with her sin. Blood was everywhere. It filled her nose, clouded her eyes as she felt a ringing in her ears. There was blood and a mangled body like that of a beast had killed the human – her. She was the beast who had torn apart the limbs from the body and nibbled on the flesh.

She gasped and brought her hand to her mouth as to not disturb the silence with her cry. She did not know who it was, but she did know that they were dead because of her. Rushing to get dressed, she covered herself and presented herself to be human as she walked away, leaving behind her mess and her sin, her greatest darkness and secret which tore her apart every month and filled her with guilt and shame every second.

As it was out of sight, she let it go from her mind, opening up her door to wash herself before waking up Magnus and starting the day. She did not see it, therefore it did not exist – and she was a monster no more.

WHILE IT DID not plague her eyes, it still lingered in the back of her mind, remind her why she was a monster and why Elijah would not love her forever. Reminded her of why she had Magnus, why he would turn away from her one day, and why she would inevitably be alone her whole life. No one could ever love a monster like her, even if she tried in vain to prove that she was not just a hideous beast but a human with a virus inside her.

𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 ━━ elijah mikaelson (1)Where stories live. Discover now