Chapter 4

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Sorry for being so late I've been getting situated with college and stuff...but good thing it's done!
Oh and I ate tons of snack packs while I wrote this and listened to a ton of Girls in Red! They're both soooo good!! But, anyways back to the story.
"We are here. Do you want to come in for tea?" Mei asked sliding off the motorcycle
"Sure what level do you live on?" Yuzu said with a big smile.
"Oh uhh I live on the fourth floor in room 415." Mei said while Yuzu grabbed her helmets.
"Hmmmm you don't say." Yuzu said with a smile as she followed Mei inside.

——time skip to in the apartment—

"So this is your place, huh?" Yuzu asked walking behind Mei and into the apartment.
"Yep, this is home sweet home."
"Do your parents live with you?" Yuzu asked.
"No I live alone." Mei said walking into the kitchen to starting some tea.
"Hey umm, do you have anything else to drink? Like maybe some wine or something?" Yuzu asked.
"Yeah I should have some. I don't really drink that often, I usually have a glass here and there. It's never a lot at once." Mei said pouring the wine. "I hope this is fine."
"yeah that's perfect actually! So you said you live alone?" Yuzu said as Mei poured her tea and headed into her living room. Yuzu grabbed the bottle and followed behind Mei.
"yes I do. I've been living alone for a while now." Mei said before sipping her tea and sitting down on the couch. "I've lived here for maybe five years now and I haven't had many people over to be honest."
"Oh that sucks maybe we can make this a regular thing then...I just started living alone because I got moved here." Yuzu said plopping down beside Mei. Yuzu thought to herself the vibes she has been giving off made my gaydar alert with red flashing lights maybe I should test the waters.
"I kinda got forced to go here for some bad behavior so...Yeah." She said downing the rest of her wine and refilling it, then sipped on it some more. Maybe I shouldn't test the waters, she thought to herself again.
After a couple of minutes in silence Yuzu spoke up and said "You probably already know that because of my file. I was honestly a good student like in middle school I was actually top of my class... but at the beginning of eighth grade year everything went downhill." She said as finished her other glass, while Mei was on her second cup of tea. As Mei listened to Yuzu talk she subconsciously scooted closer to her. Mei was feeling the need to touch her and kiss her. Even when she has that lonely look in her eyes she is still beautiful. Oh shit what am I thinking stop Mei pay attention. Yuzu was steady talk while Mei was just staring at her unable to pay attention to anything Yuzu was saying. Mei's eye wandered over Yuzu's body until they paused on Yuzu's skirt that was sliding up just enough to see the top of her milky white thighs. Surprisingly she could see that they were slightly toned, which made Mei's stomach turn a flip, oh if only I could get a hold of those, she thought biting her lip.
Yuzu caught Mei's eye wandering over her and all she did was smirk and said "you know I kind a have a problem doing what I want even if it's not what's good for myself or others" Yuzu pulling Mei out of her milky white trance by sliding one of her slightly calloused hands onto Mei's thigh. Mei started to feel her stomach do another flip and something warm growing in between her legs because of the look Yuzu was giving her and the hand on her thigh, with that she shot up off the couch and said, "I'm gonna go change into something more comfortable."
"Oh okay...well do you mind if I catch a smoke break on your balcony?"
"Yeah uh sure go ahead." She said trying waving her and the sexual tension off.
Mei what the hell are you doing she has a reputation and you are the president of Aihara Academy. You can't do this no matter how sexy she...oh God but she is so hot I would love to just uggghhhh! Mei thought pacing in her room, still wearing her school uniform. "Mei get yourself together you don't even like you?" She whispered your herself.
As Mei changed into a lavender sweater and some small sleeping shorts Yuzu was on the balcony taking a short smoke break. After she was done she opened the sliding door and walked back in. "Hey I like that sweater it looks cute on you!" Yuzu said making Mei blush, not helping her stomach turning flip like a gymnast. "Let's sit back down" Yuzu said flopping down onto the couch and patting the seat beside her. Mei cautiously sat down beside Yuzu.
Yuzu was looking at her with determined eyes but Mei quickly averted her eyes and said "umm, so yeah I saw the stuff in your file but I wasn't going to judge you for it" trying to change the subject.
She could have sworn Yuzu could hear her heart pounding in her chest. Just one look and I get sent into a blushing mess what is up with me I have to play it cool...just chill out she probably doesn't even like m- Mei's thoughts interrupted by Yuzu saying "you know what...that's one of the reasons I like you! I have never had anyone treat me like you do. Like I've never had this it's so refreshing." Putting her arm on the back of the couch and propping up, turning to face Mei more.
"W-what do you mean?"
"Well you look at me in the eyes and talk to me like a normal person. Most people see a girl with a bad reputation and stay away."
Yuzu said, putting her other freehand back on Mei's thigh "thank you, I mean it."
Just that simple touch and Mei thought she was going to explode. Their faces being so close made her mouth dry. Fuck I just want to kiss her...her lips look so soft.
For Yuzu, it may have been the wine or the fact that she hasn't seen anyone in awhile and was horny as fuck but for some reason she was trying to fight the urge to kiss Mei.
"Okay fuck it!" She said grabbing the sides of Mei's face and kissed her. After a few seconds the shock wore off and Mei started to kiss Yuzu back. Her stomach doing more flips as one of Yuzu's hands was rubbing Mei's thigh while the other one was gently clutching the side of Mei's neck.
Then suddenly in one quick motion Yuzu transferred Mei from the couch to Mei straddling her lap.
While Mei and Yuzu kissed their hands were wondering trying to figure out this new thing going on.
Yuzu started to kiss down Mei's jaw and stopped at her neck slowly sucking and biting and kissing the tender flesh, with that Mei let out a throaty moan. Mei's head fell back in the process while looking at the ceiling Mei was stuck with one thought fuck this is gay I'm so gay! No guy has ever made me feel like this, please God don't let this moment stop!!

I hope you guys like it!! And sorry again for taking forever!!!
So yeah please tell me what you think and any ideas for next chapters!!

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