Chapter 5

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Okay so I know that this chapter is a lot later than I said but my parents surprised me with a trip to go see my brother that I haven't seen in over half a year. And ended up postponing this chapter and I'm sorry!!
"Okay fuck it!" She said grabbing the sides of Mei's face and kissed her. After a few seconds the shock wore off and Mei started to kiss Yuzu back. Her stomach doing more flips as one of Yuzu's hands was rubbing Mei's thigh while the other one was gently clutching the side of Mei's neck.
Then suddenly in one quick motion Yuzu transferred Mei from the couch to Mei straddling her lap.
While Mei and Yuzu kissed their hands were wondering trying to figure out this new thing going on.
Yuzu started to kiss down Mei's jaw and stopped at her neck slowly sucking and biting and kissing the tender flesh, with that Mei let out a throaty moan. Mei's head fell back in the process while looking at the ceiling Mei was stuck with one thought fuck this is gay I'm so gay! No guy has ever made me feel like this, please God don't let this moment stop!!
"Oh Shit..." May gasped while Yuzu was still kissing on her neck. Yuzu slid her hands into Mei's sweater and placed them on the small of her back. Then lifted her up and laid her on her back on the couch.
"Wait..." Mei said panting trying to come to her senses. "Wait we can't be doing this." Mei sat up and pushed Yuzu off of her.
Yuzu smiled down at Mei and ran her hand up Mei's thigh. "And why not?" She asked as her eyes followed the path her hand was making up Mei's thigh.
"We-" Mei studdard as Yuzu's hand crept higher Mei quickly had to grab Yuzu's hand before it got to her sleeping shorts. "I said we can't be doing this because we just met and I'm the president and you are the new transfer student" not to mention you're the new bad girl that I cannot be romantically involved with, Mei thought to herself. "Do you know how bad this would look? Like, oh my God."
"I don't see it as a problem and to be honest you sounded like you were enjoying it...I know I was. Haha, I'm still feeling it."
"I mean I was enjoying it. It was amazing actually. But that's not the point, it's just the way it looks and the way it is."
"All right, I get it. I should probably head home." Yuzu said waving her off then sliding from in between Mei's legs and off the couch and straightening her clothes. "Aren't you gonna walk me out?"
"Oh yeah I can do that." Mei said getting up and walking to the door. "It's kind of late are you going to be okay getting home?" Mei opened the door to let Yuzu out.
Yuzu stepped out the door and pulled out her keys from her jacket pocket and turned to Mei and said "Yeah, I'll be fine" while she walked up to room 416 and unlocked the door. "Anyways, that was fun. We should do it again...Oh and you might want to cover that up in the morning." Yuzu said, pointing at her neck. "Goodnight neighbor." And with that she shut her apartment door.
Mei shut her door and ran to the closest mirror and examined her neck. Mei ended up having two huge red hickeys on her neck. Oh fuck how am I going to cover this up I don't even own makeup.
——time skip to the next day ——
Mei had to make a detour to buy some make up. Then struggle to put it on in the student council room. You know this doesn't look too bad I think I can get away with it I don't think anyone will notice...oh who am I kidding I can't pull this off. I really should make Yuzu help with this I bet she would know how to fix it Mei thought as she was facing the mirror.
"Hey MeiMei what are you doing?" Himeko asked as she walked in the room.
"Umm, I- I was just fixing my collar." Mei said buttoning the top button and fixing the tie.
"Oh okay well I was just dropping my stuff off. You probably should head to class the bell rings in a couple minutes."
"Oh yeah I'm actually heading there now" she said collecting her things and heading for the door. "Bye Himeko."
————time skip to class————
Mei Walks into class with her collar pulled as high as possible and her hair down around her neck. She got to her desk and sat down.
"Oh hey president, your hair looks nice today! I don't know why but it looks different." Harumi said, running her fingers through it.
"Oh thanks I just straighten it today." Mei said as the teacher walked into class.
"Okay everyone in your seats now. I have to take roll and then we can get started with today's lesson."
"Yuzu...Yuzu Okogi? Has anyone seen Yuzu?"
"She might be lost, I can go find her" some quiet girl in the front of the class said with a blush.
"That is very nice of you Yamai but I'll go and turn this in after I finish roll and if I don't see her I'll come back and we can start class." The teacher said.
After finishing roll she grabbed the paper and walking out leaving the door open "Oh and Mei you are in charge until I get back."
"Oh I bet you want to go find her" Komi said to Yamai "I bet you really want to "help" her."
"What! I didn't mean it like that I was just saying I could find her and help her get to class! I didn't mean anything else!"
"Sure you didn't...I would love to go "help" her" Komi said while she did air quotes "have you guys not seen her she is beautiful just image what she looks like without clothes damn I bet sh-"
"OKAY ENOUGH!!" Mei shouted and stood up snapping everyone's attention to her "The teacher will be back soon. Stop talking about "helping" Yuzu and about Yuzu naked." And just as the words came out her mouth Yuzu walks right into the class.
"Oh so you're talking about me naked huh? To think if I wouldn't have stop to get my coffee I could have been a part of this amazing conversation."
"I-I'm not talking about you naked it was-it was just the class they were just talking, you know what never mind." Mei blushed hard as she stuttered out her sentence.
"Okay well I'm just going to head to my seat." Then she leaned into Mei and lowered her voice "Oh and you might want to reapply your makeup. It's coming off." She smirked while she pointed at her neck.
Then Mei leaned in and whispered "Well why don't you help me because you caused this" she motion to her neck "And I don't do makeup"
"Well you're the president get us out of class"
"Once the teacher gets back we can go to the student council room." Mei said "just sit down for now."
Once again sorry about being so late on posting it. Hope you guys enjoy!

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